Chapter 143: The Warm Western Ocean

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                                      ~Volume 3 Western Continent (Land of the Scorching Sun)~

[Cold Northern Ocean >>> Warm Sea]

A month has passed since they left the city of Avalon behind, the whole floating Kingdom of Azure had finally left the land of ice and snow and finally reached the cold northern ocean in which they had once came in. Following this course downwards, they would then steer to the west as they head towards the land prophesized by the principalities to Asagi back at the city of Avalon 'The land of Scorching Sun'

They don't know what dangers may lurks in that land, but since the principalities had issued them to head over towards that land and find some clues in returning home, Asagi then had no choice but to comply as she slowly uncover the truth of her being sent into this world devoid of a god.

IN this one month, the city of Avalon had become quite busy as they hastily finish the construction of the teleportation tower. Asagi don't know how but in the span of just near 1 month, the magicians and alchemist had managed to build their own teleportation tower using golem magic and various construction able related magic. For some reason it seems their knowledge had played a huge part in the construction of the tower in order to hasten its building time.

Alongside it, the teleportation tower located near the tribes of the barbarian in the snow peak mountain range had also finished its construction despite its crude design to adapt to its terrain. For security the mages of avalon deployed some apprentice mage towards that area in order to guard the tower alongside some barbarians who also volunteer for this important job.

All in all both the city of mages and the barbarians had finally made a way to travel between territory and trade their goods much easily, at the same time they would be able to comply to various meetings held by the country or places that has connection to the the floating kingdom. Form this moment on the great alliance had been born.

But putting everything else aside and the fact that the temperature in the kingdom has gotten warmer after a long time which slowly changes the stuff being sold at the kingdom's store and the activity being held in the kingdom, a major issue is currently being observed inside the castle as Asagi is together with Ariel, Anna, and Lloyd.

They are currently observing the sphere of light in the middle of the room as they had a much visible view of the the two unborn child inside the sphere in which they are now at the size comparable to a 7 month old fetus. A month ago the twins had reported to them that the unborn baby can now be seen and now are at the size of a bean. Now that a month has passed, their transition had been to fast as the unborn baby are slowly forming human body parts in their body.

It may seem grotesque at first with all those visible veins, brain, heart and all. But as the fingers started to form alongside its head legs and even stomach, one cant help but marvel in this miracle in which no one would be able to witness back in the modern world. Nevertheless the two unborn children were growing too fast.

"Aren't they growing too fast?" asked by Asagi as she crossed her arms

"They are indeed growing too fast your majesty" replied by Ariel

"Isn't this bad? cause i mean there is a reason why a human baby takes 9 months to fully form" complained by Asagi

"That i cant answer your majesty! after all angels were never born the normal way but rather created through mana" answered by Ariel

In that moment as if giving her  a brief explanation on why it took human babies 9 months to develop, a system pop up appeared before Asagi and answered her troubles.

Among primates, human have the least developed brains at birth, at least when compared to adult human brains. The prevailing explanation for why pregnancy last 9 months long boils down to something called the "obstetrical dilemma." Humans walk upright. And the size and shape of our pelvises are constrained by our bipedal way of getting around in the world. If they got much bigger, mothers wouldn't walk as well. So babies' brains could only get so big and still fit through the birth canal, the conventional wisdom holds.

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