Chapter 105: Battle at the Mountain Pass (North) III

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[Mountain Pass]

[Southern Army Side]


In that one command, all siege weapons stationed on the highest platform in the mountains side, encompassing the mountain pass, then let loose their loaded weapons of huge arrows and stones, as it zooms pass through the air. In that one moment the whole sky is blanketed by these objects as they fall and crash towards the charging frontline of the northern army.

As the stones and huge arrows fall from the sky, the whole battlefield then erupted in screams and agony, as part of the northern army fell into confusion from all the dying warriors on the field. The stone's crushed people, the arrows pierced warriors, the impacts blew away formation, no matter what anyone says, the once dignified and hard formed formation was nothing but a mess when huge weapons are involved.

In this scenario, it doesn't matter whether one is strong or weak, the only way one can survive such onslaught was to run. However not everyone had this kind of same mindset, that is the reason why the charging front line army was now a mess in this situation.

Upon seeing that the northern army charging towards them were a mess in front of their prepared siege weapons. Boris then got on the ledge of the platform his tamed ice wolf was standing unto and immediately called out his side of the army after pulling back the injured Shielders.

"It is time my brother! Those foolish northerners dared to cross our borders and endanger our families from this war!... They had declared war on us when we ourselves have our hands full in our affairs with the western tribes! Such movement can only be describes as a type of collaboration from our enemy!"

"We've trusted them, shared resources with them, created connections with them, and this is how they repay us? with blood? this is an act of treachery from our trust and bond! Now it is time to judge them, to judge them from their sin of attacking us!"

"Raise up your weapons my brother! rise up from your feet! hold tight unto your weapons! We must protect this land from our invaders.... For the sake of your family!  Your wives! your sons and daughters! your parents! all you held dear! Use your strength and bravery to protect them this day!... Not all of us may come out alive after this battle, but this shan't stop us defending what is rightfully ours! For our motherland!!!"

Hearing Boris speech, all of the warriors begun picking up their courage as their morale rose and war cried together with him. No matter what they have to defend their land from any invaders, even if it means that they have to fight against their once allies.


As the cheers rose from their side of the camp, Boris then held tightly on his sword as he held it high up to the air and commanded his army to attack which was then relayed by numerous surviving commanders all throughout the whole camp.




Under those roars, the southern army then charged towards the battlefield amidst the cover of all the siege weapons, while wielding their own respective weapons against the enemy at their front.

After for what seems like a minutes or two of their full sprint, the southern army then collided with the surviving northern army frontline as blood and dust flew all over the area as weapons clashed against each other. In that moment the siege weapons then halted their attacks as they reloaded them and strategically aimed at spot where the southern army is not attacking, At most they are only attacking the convoluted area where most of the northern army gathers.

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