Chapter 44: Closer Than They Think

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[Amid Empire]

5 days have passed since Asagi together with Darius and Ariel had arrived at the capital of the Amid Empire, during that time frame they were quite busy on investigating the ins and out of the empire itself, especially the circumstances within their safe haven walls

Unbeknownst to them they had actually bypassed the Emperor of the Amid Empire himself when they first got to the capital, after all both of them were quite well hidden against each other

With the first one disguising himself as a commoner through commoners clothing, they on the other hand disguised themselves as a wandering group of people through the use of a unique magic only applicable to Asagi's built up character skills, due to that not one of them were able to recognize each other at first glance

Due to that as the case of the situation, they then freely investigated the whole capital for 5 whole days with almost no sleep at all, after all they are currently located at the heart of their enemy's base, thus they are not sure whether when they would be dug up by the Emperor's men at all

Entering the room of Asagi which is currently situated on one of the Inns in the commoner district, Ariel then slowly entered the room before looking at her surroundings and locking the door up

Following that, Asagi snapped her fingers just once as she instantly casted an isolation zone around the room to prevent from any noise escaping the said room

When that zone was established, Ariel then slowly slid off her hood as she touched her own back and complained to Asagi

"Still... its quite weird having my wings disappear like that out of thin air, I can't get used to it no matter how many days have passed, it feels like I'm not complete at all"

"Ahahaha! Well we just have to get used to it and pretend to be humans for a few more days, after all we are currently infiltrating the enemy's land and our wings would just stand out from the rest if we don't hide them" said Asagi with a laugh as she sat on her bed legs crossed

"I understand than notion your majesty... but still... nevertheless how's your end?" Asks Ariel as she shifted the topic towards Asagi monitoring the situation back at her kingdom and the northern wall of the Celeste Kingdom through her magic

"Not that good, both Anna and Lloyd together with Michael is having a hard time calming the people on my kingdom, after all many days have passed already and for some reason we couldn't get the upperhand on the northern wall... despite Gabriel's numerous attempt to seize the wall, the commanders of the opposing side would naturally bite back whenever the former attack, due to that we are still currently locked into a standstill... which is not good at all since the soldiers of the Celeste Kingdom is losing morale while the empire's troops are gaining more morale due to their continuous success on defending the wall"

Upon hearing that Ariel then reacted in surprise

"They haven't captured the northern wall yet? Thats impossible! Gabriel is 10 times more powerful than the humans and yet he was actually pushed back numerous times? There's must be something at play here"

"Its not about the contest of strength, its the contest of tactics and strategy, the effect of individual strength in a war is limited no matter what era, thus the only diciding factor here is whether who among the leaders on both sides is the better leader on leading their troops to victory... in war nothing is assured" replied Asagi

"But still..."

As Ariel ponder over her words, Asagi then simply smiled back as she offered her a sit while asking about her investigation

"Well putting the matter on the northern wall aside, what about your job? What did you find? Any loopholes on their system? Any weaknesses? Any loose ends?"

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