Chapter 138: The Heart of Eternal Frost V

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[City of Avalon]

The whole place was like a battlefield, the magic cannons were roaring continuously, the towers were defending indefinitely from the powerful attacks of the Cryophoenix, the mages and alchemist were exhausting their skills and assets in order to fend off the enemy. All of this lasted for quite awhile to the point more and more personnel were being exhausted and the defensives are being overused.

But despite all that, the only thing that they could do in this situation was to not let the Cryophoenix from ever making contact towards the barrier than Albion had erected. In this moment in time, Asagi felt the state of presence of her angels, as she rushed out in the open ground of the city and glared at the huge ice birds in the sky, which is currently out maneuvering the attack's coming towards it.

Sensing the direness of the situation, Asagi quickly took ahold of Ariel's wrist as she pulled her closer in order to convey her orders. on the other hand as if guessing her thoughts, Ariel herself tried to dissuade her decision as she kept holding on to her queen.


"I know what your thinking my queen and I'm going to answer it already! I wont do it! I'm not gonna leave your side"

"Don't be stubborn Ariel! you should've seen the situation already, there is no place for stubbornness here"

"I know! but my orders is to protect you at all cost and i intend to uphold that"

"There is a time and place for everything Ariel! and this is not the time for that! your colleagues are dying out there and your rune law is the only thing that could save them from the brink of death"

"I'm  fully aware of what i can do with my rune law your majesty! As the rune law of transmigration, i can also exert the authority in line to life essence.... after all transmigration is akin to a whole new life"

"If you knew that much then you better use it to help the others that are incapacitated outside"

"But your safety is my number one priority"

"I can protect myself Ariel! Trust me! you should already know my capabilities after all the things i did.... so please! just trust me on this"

After hearing Asagi's words mixed in with a pleading face, Ariel finally gave in as she imposed one condition.

 "Fine! but once I'm away, i don't want you to put yourself in danger! Remember your a queen of a nation not a commoner, so your life is held much more of an importance than a regular person"

When Ariel said those words, Asagi hesitated for a bit, before she finally gave a little white lie to the one person she was close with among the angels aside from Michael. After all the reason for the white lie is because Asagi wanted to do her best in defending this city since the answer for her going back to her world  still remains in this place.

At this point of time, she was only given a different goal similar to a side quest before her request of going back home was given to her. She needs to uncover the danger and secret of this world, the purpose she was brought here. She will need to uncover all of that in order for her to be able to get back home to her old world. So among the people she knows that could assist her in doing so, is Albion himself.

As a mage with abundant knowledge, she believe that Albion can bring her back to her old world and reunite with her family that she left behind.


After receiving Asagi's white lie, Ariel then nodded back towards her, before flying away outside the barrier with an intent to patch up all the angels that were injured in this operation outside. 

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