Chapter 126: The Ruler at The Top of The Tower II

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[City of Avalon]

After awhile of silence of seeping drinks served at their preference, Amos then puts down his cup as he begun to speak.

"How about let's cut to the chase, since you expected our arrival without notice, then i presume you know what we came here for"

"Indeed i do! I believe you wanted more sugar to be added unto the tea?"

Hearing Albion's reply, Amos was flabbergasted for a bit as he tried to retort and spoke out his own thoughts. But before he could do such a thing, which is quite rude to the ruler of the city, Asagi then quickly stopped him with with her hand as she immediately drowned out his voice by speaking up.

"That's not what we came here for"

"It's not? Well looks like I've made a mistake... I cant read your thoughts, so i just guessed, after all i'm no omnipotent being" said by Albion

"We are here seeking for answers" said by Asagi

"Answers? please elaborate"

Clearing her throat, Asagi then begun to elaborate what she meant.

"There are phenomenon that despite how much we rack our brain, we cant seem to find its answer... I per chance would like to know the reason of my existence... why was i brought here? Why me? Why not other people? What's the meaning of my existence being brought here? do i have a mission? do i have something to accomplish here? Just why me?"

"Meaning of your own existence... That's surprising, but its not the first" said by Albion as he sipped some tea

Hearing his words, Asagi then look towards Albion with an earnest gaze as she waited for him to answer. On the other hand before he could answer, Albion snapped his finger once more as he refilled the drink in their own cup or mug out of nothing, which literally shock some of them in the process aside from the Archmage, Amos, and Asagi.

"Well i understand the gist of your confusion, after all you are not the first one who doubt their own existence... there  was also a time in my life where i doubted my own existence. Just like how you act like now, i was also reacting the same way.... but in my case there is no one to help me at all, i have to find my own answer for so long.... so long that i begun to loose track of my own time"


"Your really quite a lucky fellow.... I have a way for you to find your answer"

In that moment, Amos slipped in a question of his, as he also confirm whether his question would also be answered the same way he had with Asagi.

"What about mine? can that also answer the question that i have?

"Then what's your concern"

"My concern is something regarding the future"


Upon hearing that term, Albion then placed a hand on the left side of his face, as he opened up a split between his fingers and have his left eye peek through in between the split. Following that action, a small magic circle appeared in front of his eyes, as he seemed to begun scanning Amos from head to toe.

"I see... you have the ability to see the future.... a foresight.... What great burden you have"

"I'm not here to hear your pity" retorted by Amos

"I never said i'm giving you one"

Once more Amos was baffled as he somehow was shock by that type of an answer. If he was back in his former status, he would've gotten offended by those words and have Albion be killed, but seems he has question left to answer, he need to hold his irritation in, as he calmed down his nerve.

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