Chapter 76: Hiring Workers

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[Celeste Kingdom, Arkiman Duchy]

The very next day, Asagi together with Uriel and Ariel then headed over to the Arkiman Duchy located at the west of the Celeste Kingdom near the capital, regarding the mass hiring of construction workers and laborer for the huge project in the Azure kingdom. In fact early this morning Asagi received a report from one of the angels from her kingdom that the snow storm had finally ceased, due to that she then had to advance her plan further as she then decided to visit the duchy for the workers that was agreed upon.

In this time in the middle of the day, Asagi and the rest of her escort archangel was currently riding carriage made by humans which would then transport them towards the duchy. The reason why they were taking this slow transport instead of flying over to the duke's territory, was because Asagi herself was completely tired out from the continuous activities she had done this past few days. Her schedule was completely full with no time to rest at all, thus by taking such slow ride, Asagi could relax herself till the next activity arrive.

To completely specify her busy schedule, such activities then follows. 6 days ago she had to fix the minor issue in her kingdom regarding the management of her capital, 5 days ago she then had to find some solution regarding the problem of water reservoir, due to the freezing of the lake and water resource in her kingdom.

Following that about 4 days ago, she then had to mobilize her whole army in order to aid Michael and Sandalphon against the wave of demonic beast and demons. After that event she then had to meet with the person in charge of the town and talk about what to do with its residents, in the end she had no choice but to take them in.

3 days after she then had to find a way on how to accommodate the refugee of the town in her kingdom, as she solve the daily problem of her Kingdom's declining food supply due to the freezing weather, that affected the crops and freezing lake, which affected the fishing firm. 

Next about 2 days ago, despite receiving a temporary rest, she then had to attend the birthday celebration of the princess of the Celeste Kingdom as a sign of their friendly relationship. After that about yesterday the conference was then held, together with her meeting with an unexpected reincarnator. All in all she barely had any rest and sleep due to her busy schedule.

Just about yesterday, she was currently having a conversation with Fiara regarding such matters after learning that she was a reincarnator from a parallel earth. In fact due to the potential of her business of catering alongside her otherworldly knowledge, she somehow invited Fiara to build a branch store to her kingdom which would then help alleviate the economy of her territory, Unfortunately the person herself rejected her offer despite Asagi numerous benefits.

Fiara even stated that it was too early for her to build a branch store in her kingdom, plus she was much more comfortable on managing her store in her home land rather than a foreign soil, due to that Asagi offer was rejected at face value. Nevertheless she would consider her offer when the time comes when she gains further experience in managing her store, thus Asagi's offer still stands with no definite deadline.

With all those issue becoming bygones of the past, Asagi then took her rest as she took a slight nap inside the carriage while they were being transported to the mansion of the duke of the duchy.

Soon after they then finally arrived at the duke mansion as Asagi and the rest were greeted by the duke, his wife, his son, and his daughter (Cedric's fiancée) by the door of the mansion.

"Welcome your majesty! Welcome to my territory... I presume that you have already seen the wonders of my domain along the way?" asked by Duke Argon as he waited for praises from a queen of a foreign land

"Sorry about that! truth be told a slept throughout the way to your mansion, I was so tired from busy schedule... I hope you could understand my circumstances" apologized by Asagi

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