Chapter 136: The Heart of Eternal Frost III

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[City of Avalon]

The pitch of the shriek was so high, that6 it literally affected everyone who heard its cries. Because of its high pitch shriek, people were forced to cover their ears, as they endured the pain ringing in their ears from hearing  the deafening sound of the living ice bird. Some of the people who weren't able to cover their ears on time, were now wringing in pain in the ground, as their ears bled and their hearings destroyed.

Of course such wound could be easily healed with the use of magic and alchemy, but the pain that the person would have to endure was so much that it could somehow traumatize them from all objects or things that produce high pitch sound.

In fact Asagi was of no exception. Because of that sudden shriek, she was somehow late in covering her ears, causing her eardrums to be slightly destroyed as she knelt on the ground writhing in pain and unable to even utter a single scream. The pain was so much that all she could hear was the high ringing sound in her ears, indicating that her eardrums was destroyed.

Upon seeing her state, Ariel quickly called out to her, as she worriedly tried to stop the bleeding in her ears, while also trying to wipe away her tears from the pain that she is feeling. At the same time Albion was shocked by the sudden appearance of the huge bird, before he snaps back into reality and hurriedly aided Asagi who was writhing in pain.

"Your majesty! your ears... its bleeding... we need to stop this" cried out by Ariel

"Move out of the way!" said by Albion as he shoved Ariel to the side and begun treating Asagi's ear

"What are you doing?" asked by Ariel in a worried voice

"Cant you see? I'm treating her!"

As Albion said those words, he then conjured a magic circle in the size of his palm as he laid in on Asagi's ears and begun working its own miracles. Not long after, Asagi's ears begun showing signs of repairing itself, as the bleeding stopped and somewhat eased Asagi's pain. Once the pain was gone, Asagi then looked back towards Albion as she asked.

"What is that thing?"

Hearing her question, Albion then hesitated for a minute, before he fi8nally concede and gave her a clear answer.

"Even though this is my first time seeing it in person, i believe that thing is the Cryophoenix in the legend"

"Legend? What legend?"

"Skin as tough as hardened heavy metal armor, Talons as sharp as a razor knife, eyes as beautiful as a jewel, size comparable to a mountain, and appearance as cold as the northern wind ice. The monster who brings forth eternal winter frost, the guardian who protects the land of the north, and the judge who has the power to destroy anything in its path.... The Cryophoenix in the legend"


"Legend has it that after the world has its peace for a very long time, the Cryophoenix entered into a sealed like slumber in the mountains in order to prevent itself from accidentally hurting the people that it's trying to protect... even though i have lived for so long, this is the first time i have seen a living legend... but why did it awaken now? who woke it?"

As Albion was stumbling in this question, Ariel then soon noticed the Cryophoenix movements a she quickly gave him  an answer.

"Even though i don't know who woke it up, but i believe that it wasn't happy at all that someone interrupted its slumber"

As Ariel said those words, everyone in the city then saw the Cryophoenix from afar slowly spreading its wings, as cold wind gather under its feathers in preparation for its take off. Once they all realized that the Cryophoenix was about to fly, many of them entered the state of panic as everyone had a grim expression in their faces themselves.

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