Chapter 93: Battle at the Stone Fortress (West)

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[Stone Fortress, West side of the southern territory]

About 7 days have passed since the initial declaration of war  of the three territories of West, North, and East against the southern tribes. Upon receiving such a declaration of war in the middle of a huge meeting conference for the leaders of the south, the meeting was then ended early after a few discussions, before everyone rushed over to their own territory and prepare for war.

Since the meeting was ended prematurely, various information they held weren't able to be discussed during the meeting, thus in order to make up for their lack of information sharing, they all then decided to use messenger birds as their way to transport information from one place to another.

When the meeting in the center was ended early, Tetra then rushed over back to her territory which took about a day and a half without no rest in between. Once she arrived in her camp she then had everyone prepare for war, while directing the non-combatants to evacuate to the center discreetly away from the eyes of the enemies.

IN the light of all that every remaining camp also did the same thing in their own territory.

From her camp Tetra then quickly unlocked her family's private armory as she took out the piece of armor in women's design presumably the only heirloom that her deceased mother had left behind after her death.

 Striking set feature a leather halter bra that is laced in the back. It ornamented with Norse dragons and bronze rivets. The belly covering has a gator skin pattern background and an under bust corset belt with a Celtic design and metallic accents that is laced in the back. Furred shoulder pads which has enough defensive layers for protection.

The skirt is made from black fur and has chainmail accents with a unique lamellae diamond pattern in the front and oil tanned leather in the back. It is secured by a silver belt ornamented with Viking style dragons. The bracers have a snake skin imprint and a diamond cut pattern. They are secured via leather laces. Lastly her hair is braced into a bun ready anytime when whenever she needed a helmet.

All of her equipment is enchanted with frost elements which gave off a decent colo9r of blue and an aura of eternal frost. Alongside her armor, her weapons weren't an exception to such grand appearance.

On her left side waist she had an Ice flail neatly packed on her belt to avoid falling off, on her right side waist she had a sword similar to the design of a Germanic tribe sword, and on her back she had a twin axe stuck in a cross with a wooden steel shield layered above it. Aside from the ice flail which goes alongside her mother's heirloom and emits a frost aura, the other weapons from from her father's personal collection.

Taking all of this with her, she then led her army to the stone fortress where she will be designated to stop the approaching enemies. Thus which then brought us to the present date.

It took Tetra and her army to arrive at the stone fortress for about 2 days and a half. The moment they arrived they were welcomed by the other existing army's that is stationed in the area alongside them.

Technically since the three territories of the snow peak mountain range declared war on them in three different direction, the southerners had no choice but to disperse their whole force into three different groups that is assigned with the area to protect their ground. Since their forces were greatly divided, they then had no choice but to stay on the defensive to protect their land instead of pushing forward.

After all if they pushed forward with their army of incomplete force, the risk of being annihilated by the opposing force is nearly about 90 percent.

From the information handed to them the western territory had about an approximate of all 30 tribes working together in this invasion, from the northern tribes all 20 of them were standing against the south, and the eastern tribes are about 40 overall.

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