Chapter 8: Signs of Land

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[Azure Kingdom, Sky Castle]

With the loss of some people in the confrontation against the wyverns, Asagi couldn't help but lament those people who died, even though its only been a week since she had known them

But nevertheless the clean up work for all the corpses around the kingdom isn't a work for a queen such as herself, through that with both Michael and Gabriel's persuasion, they had then eventually forced Asagi to take a rest back on her throne as she set the whole castle off from its combat mode

With her leaving the work to her own people, Michael, Gabriel, and some of the remaining angel's then begun gathering the corpses all around the kingdom, luckily the town and houses around the kingdom was still unoccupied by civilians, thus avoiding innocent bystanders to be caught up in the battle

Unlike the wyverns corpses lying all about around the kingdom, the corpses of the fallen angels are all system generated, through that if they died they won't leave any bodies behind but instead disintegrate into mana particles as it returned to nature

If one could see such phenomenon, one could even mistake it as if the angels themselves are just merely entities that originally belongs to the world

Since the angels in the kingdom are created from mana through the system, they would then return to mana when they die, such a saying is the same as in the Bible verse on genesis which all humans will return to ash if they died

With that Asagi sat on her throne all alone as she relished the feeling she encountered during that confrontation, even though she had experience in fighting monsters through her games, she couldn't help but differentiate them

Killing monsters on game and killing monsters on real life is completely different, if the former you could experience excitement, then the latter you would feel the intensity, nerve-wracking, and magnitude of such fights

Such is a difference in experience

Soon after as she seated back on her throne, she then awaited for almost 3 hours inside it resting on her arm rest, when both Michael and Gabriel finally entered the room to report their findings

Upon entering, they actually saw asagi nodding off in a daze as they understand her tiring situation, nevertheless they still reported to her

"Your majesty! We can only recover the bodies inside the kingdom, as for the bodies that fell unto the sea, I believe they are a lost cause since they sunk" said Gabriel

"Unfortunately if you look at it on the bright side, you will realize one potential good news for this..." said Michael

Hearing his words Asagi then opened her eyes wide to wake herself up and stare back towards the both fo them as she waited for their news

Feeling her anticipation Michael then continued his words

"With the presence of the wyverns, we can conclude that somehow we are nearing land or a country if we further go up north"

"We can either take this as a good news and bad news at the same time though" added Gabriel

At that Asagi asked Gabriel

"What do you mean? Is there any problems we could meet upon reaching land?"

With that Gabriel took a slight glance towards Michael before answering back, naturally Michael also wanted Gabriel to report his own opinion

"The good news is that we can finally see land after being surrounded by sea for quite awhile, the bad news on the other hand means that we will be invading a foreign territory and possibly occupied by another kingdom, meaning were gonna invade their Arial space"

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