Chapter 27: Blooming Flower

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[Azure Kingdom, Sky Castle]

Hearing the affirmation of guarantee from Asagi herself, Queen Celestia couldn't help but be satisfied with her answer, after all in starting an economy, market, or business, one should have confidence in doing so or else one might fail

With that she leaned back on her chair as she replied

"Seeing that your so confident in your andwer that you can guarantee the efficiency of your manufacturing, then I have no other complaints about this"

After saying that, she then went quiet at her own side of the round table, but for Asagi on the other hand upon hearing her words, she couldn't help but smile at that positive result

With a nod she then turned her head towards Pope Michael whom she still haven't heard his answer towards her proposal on establishing connection to both of their territories

But before Pope Michael could give his answer, the person himself then tapped the table with his finger for a couple of seconds before asking

"Well putting that aside, may I know just what kind of products your going to trade to both of us?"

Hearing that question, Asagi was then slightly confused by that notion, as she didn't know why he would ask such question

But as if answering her confusion, Pope Michael then cleared the fact that he just wanted to know the product that Asagi and her kingdom would distribute to them

"Forgive me if I doubt the product that your going to distribute to our market, but I have my own concerns" said Pope Michael

"Concerns? On what grounds?" Asks Asagi

"Simply put... it's a concern whether your product that you claim as genuine solely exist in your territory... for a matter of fact many countries are free to claim that such product are unique in their country, but most of such claims are purely all lies" said Pope Michael


"Often times if ever such topic is investigated, one could even find such claimed unique product to actually exist on other countries but sell on a much lower price, I believe the term for such word in the business world is "retailing on a much higher value", doing business isn't an honest job as you see Queen Asagi, many people often times take advantage of the market to buy products at a lower price and sell them at high value, causing  them to be rich in no time due to profit from those surplus" added Pope Michael

Upon stating that fact, Queen Celestia couldn't help but agree to what the pope had said

In actual fact Asagi also knew of the possibility of someone buying their product at low price and retailing them at high value, in fact even in the modern society such an act is still prominent in most country

But such a result in doing business isn't avoidable at all, no matter how much she prepare for any contingency that may arise such retailing, she wouldn't be able to stop any human being from finding a loop hole on her system and exploiting such fact to become rich by retailing

No matter what era, retailing the original owner of the product is already a thing on the society and can't be removed

With that she immediately understood Pope Michael's concern as she then materialized a paper out of thin air and handed the list of fish products towards both high class people

-Milk fish-

The species has many common names. The Hawaiian name for the fish is awa, and in Tahitian it is ava. It is called bangús in the Philippines, where it is popularly known as the national fish, although the National Commission for Culture and the Arts has stated that this is not the case as it has no basis in Philippine law. In the Nauruan language, it is referred to as ibiya. Milkfish is also called bandeng or bolu in Indonesia.

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