Chapter 123: The City of Mages Avalon

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[City of Avalon, ???]

Located at the academy hall of one of the majestic buildings in the city of avalon, a group of robed men were currently following and listening to the words of another robed man who has a different color of shade on his robe. To be exact the group of brown robed men is currently listening to the white robed bearded man who seemed to teach them something regarding to magic.

"It may have already been taught to you but i will say it again, Magic, sometimes spelled magick, is an ancient practice rooted in rituals, spiritual divinations, and/or cultural lineage—with an intention to invoke, manipulate, or otherwise manifest supernatural forces, beings, or entities in the natural world"


"It is a categorical yet often ambiguous term which has been used to refer to a wide variety of beliefs and practices, frequently considered separate from both religion and alchemy. Although connotations have varied from positive to negative at times throughout history, magic continues to have an important religious and medicinal role in many cultures today"

In that moment one brown robe woman then raised her hand and asked a question.

"Sir is there any category in magic?"

In response to that, the white robed man then answered honestly.

"Yes there is, expressedly white magic, grey magic and...  black magic"


"White magic has traditionally been understood as the use of magic for selfless or helpful purposes, while black magic was used for selfish, harmful or evil purposes. With respect to the left-hand path and right-hand path dichotomy, black magic is the malicious, left hand counterpart of the benevolent white magic. There is no consensus as to what constitutes white, gray or black magic"


"like many other aspects of occultism, what is termed to be 'black magic' depends very much on who is doing the defining. Gray magic, also called "neutral magic", is magic that is not performed for specifically benevolent reasons, but is also not focused towards completely hostile practices... Now tell me what are the specific magic correlated to white magic black magic, and grey magic?"

Hearing his question, one particular person among the crowd then raised his hand as he answered the question. following him, the others then followed suite as they chained their answers.

"For white magic... i think it is referring to holy magic or divine magic in the realm of the gods"

"Then for black magic, i think it refers to demon ic magic and necromancy, anything that is considered taboo"

"If that's the case then the grey magic might refer to the common once that can be seen in all mages... the fire, water, earth, air, and etc."

Upon hearing their answers, the white robed man then smiled at the group as he then pushed the class for further discussion. However just at the moment he thought of this, he suddenly felt a foreign presence outside the city as he then quickly looked at the far distance on the horizon.

Sensing that this wasn't a simple issue at all, he then dismissed the class early, as he heard the grumble from some of the people following him. After he saw them walk away, the white robed man then turned around on the opposite direction as he walked away and hurried at one of the towers in the city, which peak high up into the sky.

Not long after he entered the tower, he then silently pass by some of the mages in the area as he headed to the main elevate transport of the tower and had himself be transported at the very top floor of the tower itself.

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