Chapter 55: The Ice Covered Port Town

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[Azure Kingdom, Sky Castle]

Inside a certain wide room of the castle, every leaders which are Kings and queens of the middle continent and some respective officials are sitting on the long rectangular table of the room as each of them discussed the current issues of their own country's towards the Floating kingdom itself. One could even say that such a meeting was like was comparable to the summit of earth, wherein various leader gather together to discuss various countries relationship and affairs.

Of course since the secret exile of the former emperor of the empire wasn't hidden to them, all of them had no qualms whatsoever if Amos himself joins the meeting together with his successor his very own blood related brother borne from the affair of his father, Current Emperor Rusch.

But that is all said and done when in fact some of the officials and royalty from both Orboume Kingdom and Estia Kingdom bore a deep hatred towards him, but since what they needed now is professionalism and not emotions, they naturally had to keep their hatred in inside themselves.

The meeting had been going on for an hour now, and at this very moment the coldness of the air was immediately sensed by various people in the room, after all the Kingdom itself was slowly floating towards the north of the world, wherein the sun rarely touches such area.

"Its quite cold! Good thing i brought my own coat or else i would have totally been shaking in my boots right about now" commented Pope Michael

"Well we do know that there are other countries beyond the sea, its just that we didnt expect that there is a cold place like this" added by the Queen of the Orboume Kingdom as she shivered underneath her clothes

"Well there is nothing we can do about that now... its just how the weather it is in this part of the world... why don't we return to our discussion?" asks Queen Celestia

"Indeed! we need to make every penny of time worth it!" agreed by the King of Estia Kingdom

"Bwahahaha! You lot literally react to little things... its just a temperature, there is nothing to fuss over it" laughed Amos

"Brother... Please stop!" begged Emperor Rusch

"Why? their reaction to little things is quite hilarious! its like they are a new born baby taking its first steps" taunted Amos

"You better stop! You are just a former emperor, you have no right to insult the people in this table... you have no power at all, its just by our own willingness that we even allowed you to join us" retorted by the King of Estia Kingdom which made Amos quite angry to its tone

"Am i hearing it right? are you perhaps wagging your authority right in front of me? the audacity you have" said Emperor Amos

As Amos somehow popped a vein from that taunt and started to retaliate harshly with his words as if challenging that particular person, Asagi herself then cough out loud to break the tension and return the discussion to its original part.

"Ahem!!! If both of you have nothing to do but bicker at each other, then Shut up!"

Upon hearing her tone, both the King of Estia Kingdom and Amos himself then reluctantly back off as they continued the discussion.

To start it off they are currently in the topic of migration and illegal exports that are happening around the other three countries. with the former topic being vague since the azure kingdom could only house a limited people at a time, the latter topic on the other hand stems from the issue of exports' from the kingdom towards the other countries.

After all in this world there are no rules or any republic act to monitor the imports and exports of the kingdom, everything was held accountable by the merchant group of the various guild in the kingdom, thus for the lack of supervision and rise of numerous illegal activities. Even illegal slavery is a big thing in this world and none can stop it at their countries current state

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