Chapter 102: Battle at the Beast Grave Canyon (East) V

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[Beast Grave Canyon]

Quickly blitzing his way through the snow and corpse, Junaid rushes towards Gundahar as he wielded his lightning enhanced battle axe, as he instantly arrived before the killer of his brothers and swung up his own weapon against his foe. Likelihood Gundahar foresaw that rapid dash coming from Junaid's movement as he tanked the blow coming from his attackers battle axe while also quickly countered back with a hammer slam imbued with his frost aura.

However Instead of dodging, Junaid redirected the force of the hammer towards his side by the use of his battle axe as he delivered a follow up double swing right across Gundahar's thick frost armor. Through that Gundahar was taken aback as took a few step backwards, before being push away by the force of Junaid's enhanced third gutter swing which forced him to move back once more.

Standing his ground Gundahar raised up his aura which completely froze the air around him, as he moved forward and proceeded to attack back. Due to his aura being raised, it even made it hard for Junaid to simply breath as the air around him froze into ice which is under control of Gundahar's domain.

A domain is a specific name towards an effect in an area which is completely influenced by the mana or aura of a certain person, it order the very nature itself to be drawn to one's advantage. With Gundahar completely taking the lead due to his frost aura, which thickens the air in the area into solid, its suppression to its opponent would literally be a huge deal since it will affect his opponents performance.

At that, Junaid begun to become wary of his surroundings as he realized that he would die the moment he makes one wrong steps in handling Gundahar.

Enveloping his body with lightning in order to lessen the suppression of Gundahar's domain, Junaid then rushes forward as he used his remaining energy wisely and deliver a blow after blow after blow towards Gundahar.

Every time that Gundahar tried to attack with a swing, Junaid would always dodge such an attack and counter back in two fold. This continued on for quite awhile which drove Gundahar back steps after steps. Each steps he takes, the closer Gundahar would be on the edge of the bridge. Since he cant Kill the person easily, he would then take the gamble and drove him into the corner before finishing him off by pushing him, off the bridge.

Junaid is not quite sure on how deep the canyon is, but since the bottom wasn't visible to the naked eye, he was then quite sure that such fall would kill someone so big and so strong as long as he is a human. With such thought in mind, he continued on his counter plan to the point that his swings finally dealt a significant result towards Gundahar's armor.

Since his swing carried weight and it is currently enhanced with lightning, Junaid's attack naturally contains a lot of force which was reasonable enough for Gundahar's armor to take damage the longer it was exposed to such a degree of an attack. Thus while t6anking the attacks, Gundahar turned his attention to what's behind him and realized that Junaid was planning to push him off the bridge due to the circumstances that was given.

Realizing the plan that Junaid's harbor, Gundahar then stopped tanking the former's attack as he tackled him with his whole body forward, which literally destroyed Junaid's momentum and made way for him to counter back. Using his hammer, Gundahar made waves after waves of ice towards Junaid as he slowly moved forward which negates the former's initial plan.

However Junaid wouldn't give up that easily as he blitz his way through the gap[s of Gundahar's attack as he cuts off his continuous swing and struck him down him lightning itself. Unfortunately before Junaid could chain his attack, Gundahar suddenly rose up above him and struck out a grab and choked him with just one of his hand

The moment Gundahar caught Junaid within his hand, he then ran forward as he jumped into the air and slammed him down towards the hard snow ground which once more shook the bridge. After that he dragged him over across the battlefield , through the snow, before throwing him forward, and smacking him away with his own hammer.

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