Chapter 57: The Ice Covered Port Town III

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[Ice Covered Port Town]

At the same time that Sandalphon had explored the vicinity of the town, Michael on the other hand tried a different approach of investigation as he communicated with the people in the port, while hiding his own wings through magic. However due to his peculiar appearance and clothes quite different from a native person in such area, he was then immediately recognized as a foreign person outside the town's wall.

Nevertheless the people available in the port aren't a stingy type of people, nor were they quite accommodating and hospitable people. The only thing that Michael could observe from their expressions alone is that the people present are luck luster and in a depressed state, as if something bad just happened recently.

"Good day! Good Morning!" said Michael with an elegant smile coupled with his golden long hair comparable to a higher class noble

As Michael approached the man who was docking his boat alongside his two crew members, the person himself who is a middle aged man with a scrubby beard and dirty wet clothes, then stood up straight in his boots as he looked back at Michael in a casual manner.

"A foreigner? your not from here, are you?"

"How can you say?" asks Michael

"... Your clothing and hair, your clothes are way to clean and proper to be a native person in this town, plus I've been living in this town for so long and I'm pretty much sure there aren't a goldilocks haired person like you... so what do you want?" asks by the middle aged man as he directed his crew to hasten their locks on the boat

Surprised by his comment, Michael immediately replied

"Is that so? well i think i can pass it up as a normal person in this town, as long as i have this fur cloak around me, after all some of the people here are also wearing what seems like a fur coat and cloak too"

"... Lad! Having a fur cloak isn't a basis of being a person in this town, plus your cloak is a thin fabric compared to ours, plus i don't know what you are hiding beneath that cloak of yours, but i can hear some hint sound of metal brushing against each other" said by the middle aged man as he scrub his beard while tapping off the snow

At this moment the two crew members of the boat then suddenly dragged out a huge fish with horns and fangs out from the boat and into a container filled with preserving ice. After seeing such monster like fish about the size of a huge dog, Michael then couldn't help but ask a question.

"What is that?"

"That? that is our haul for the day" said by the middle aged man

"Your catch?" asks Michael

"Yes! Unfortunately we have a poor harvest for the day" said by the middle aged man as he shook his head

"You call this poor harvest?" asks Michael in surprise

" Considering that we are the only fishermen in this town and had to feed the whole town of our catch just to survive for another day? Yeah pretty much a poor harvest, normally we need to catch either 20 of this large fish or one net full of small fishes, just to feed the whole town" said by the middle aged man

"Wait! Wait! did you say that you guys are the only fishermen of this town? with such a large town, how can that be?" asks Michael

Upon hearing his exclamation, the middle aged man then raises his brow as he replied

"Hah! you really are a foreigner for not even knowing such an obvious answer"

"Please just explain it to me" pleaded Michael

Seeing that Michael was truly sincere to learn of this town's situation, the middle aged man then walked over a full barrel as he sat on top of it and explained the situation.

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