Chapter 21: Arrival

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[Azure Kingdom]

Situated in a certain Guild building in the city, Darius was then currently at the bar counter as he stood there and started mixing up some drinks for a certain customer

Of course adding to that fact that a week had then passed since he established his own guild building, throughout that course of days he had then completely renovated the whole place to make it something akin to a high class in

This time however he was shaking the ice inside the container he is holding and poured them down unto the glass after he was done shaking them, following that he then poured down a cold mix of different flavored juice unto the glass before giving them to the customer infront of him

Consequently the customer infront of him was Asagi herself who seemed sobered up despite not drinking an alcohol, together with her was Anna as shesat quietly beside Asagi and was waiting for her to decided to go back to the castle

"1 rainbow mixed juice for her majesty!" Said Darius as he slid over Asagi's drink

Seeing the drink being served right infront of her Asagi then immediately scooted over and picked up a straw at the straw pile inthe counter and begun sipping up her drink quietly

Upon seeing her reaction when drinking her mixed flavored juice, Darius then couldn't help but comment on such a situation

"For a queen such as yourself... you really do have such strange taste, I mean what's so wonderful having a drink with a mixed flavor? Aren't you satisfied just having a drink with one flavor?"

Hearing his question Asagi then slowly glanced over Darius direction as she said

"Having a single flavor may be satisfying, but the longer you taste it the more bland it is the longer you keep drinking it, thus lowering your satisfaction... on the other hand if you had a drink with multiple unpredictable flavors, then you would surely get engrossed at drinking it no matter how many times you drink it"

Upon receiving that kind of reply, Darius then twitched his eyebrows in awkwardness before calming down his emotions and asked on what basis she cansay such a thing

"If you please! Do you have any basis on your claim?"

"Basis? Well I do have a basis... cause after all I already did this back once when I was buying a drink in 7 eleven in the past" answered Asagi thoughtlessly

"Seven eleven? What kind of place is that?" Asked Darius in confusion

This time however instead of answering his question, Asagi simply ignored him as she continued drinking her mixed flavored juice drink

Seeing that he was being ignored at the moment, Darius couldn't help but twitch the edge of his mouth before turning his gaze towards Anna who had stayed quiet all this time

Clearing his throat he then held a conversation with Anna

"Well leaving her aside, what about you little missy? Do you have anything to request for a drink?"

Hearing Darius sincere offer Anna then jolted up as she glanced towards Darius and shook her head before replying

"I'll just have an ordinary water"

"Water? Sure thing!" Replied Darius before getting a glass on his shelf and filled it with water from a barrel

After that he then gave the glass to Anna before smiling back at the little girl

"Here's your water little girl!"

"Thank you!" Replied Anna as she took a mouthful of drink on her own glass

Heavenly Kingdom: The Kingdom among the cloudsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ