Chapter 158: Rejected Truth

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[Desert Wasteland]

As the dark energy surrounding the cloaked person exploded towards the surroundings, Ester together with his men quickly took cover as they all got already informed on what the cloaked person's aura can do. Based on what they knew about it, anyone who is hostile that gets in contact with that aura, immediately dies in an instant as if the person itself is cursed to never interact with anyone in its whole life.

The power of death, no matter who or what type of person one is, he or she would always fear the power which could end's one's life. Taking note that Ester still has a family waiting for him back home, he then can't afford to die in such place, which caused him to be extra vigilant when facing such power.

As everyone of his men took cover from that shocking wave of attack, everyone then recognized that subduing the target wouldn't be an easy feat, as they all grew hostile and immediately prepared themselves for combat.

"Captain! The enemy is too dangerous to be taken in alive, we have no choice but to kill it" said by Rueben

"Is there no other way?" asked by Ester

"If we bring it back with us, we would risk the safety of the whole town, many innocent people could die in that situation"

Weighing his options in that moment, Ester then grits his teeth, as he made his decision and promptly gave his orders.

"Fine then! Everyone cover me! try to take its attention away from me as much as you can... I'll find a way to pin him down myself and end this"


"Also! Don't die on me"

The moment all the troops heard their captain said those words, they all then saw Ester quickly started  moving as he tried to circle the target in hopes to find an opening to subdue it. At the same time the moment Ester made his move, Rueben sprung out from his hiding, as he pulled out a ballistic crossbow and shot out a bola which shocked the target and  caused it to get flipped from having its arm tied and restrained by a bola strike.

The moment the cloaked person got flipped off its feet, the other troops then rushed out from their hiding, as they all pulled out their weapons and charged towards their target.

Upon seeing this, the cloaked person begun to panic, as he quickly got up from the ground and stumble backward while also raising it restrained hands as if trying to stop them from getting close to him.

"No! No no no no no.... I don't want to go back!"

As if responding to his feeling, a black mass or energy gathered at his palm and begun shooting out projectiles towards the troops of the Tekoa town brigade. As a response to this, the troops of the town brigade quickly dodged all those projectiles, as they rolled in the sand and ground in hopes of not getting hit by that attack. No matter what, they cant afford to get hit even once by such an attack.

However because they chose to dodge the attacks by either rolling in the sand on ground, this then gave leeway for the cloaked person to use its black mana to rot the bola retraining his hand, and quickly making a run for it when given a chance.

In that sense Rueben noticed it earlier that their target managed to escape their restraints, as he quickly load up his crossbow and begun putting in his mana into the bolt to further enhanced its speed and penetrating ability. Taking his aim, he then followed the trajectory path of the target,  before making his shot towards one of its heels.

Sensing the danger coming directly at it in high speed, the cloaked person then raised both of his arms in front of him in hopes to use the black energy to block the attack and somewhat enhanced its defensive capabilities. Even though it still wasn't sure on how to use such dangerous power, it actually realize one thing after all this while of having it beside it all this time, and that was that such ghastly power in of itself was trying to protect it from all harm that comes its way.

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