Chapter 65: End Of The Night II

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[Ice covered Port Town]

Under Amos control all of his hundred cannon muzzles  then open fired towards the wave of demonic beast, causing numerous explosion's to rung out everywhere as the sea of mana shots zoom across the sky like a star fall. With the aid of his offensive usage of his neutral magic, which supposedly only a means of transport, Amos himself alone nearly suppressed the front wave of the demonic beast.

With such a huge cover fire, some of the angels then dived down to the ground as they hack their way across the wave of demonic beast. Some of this said angels are the respective archangels themselves such as Ariel and Uriel.

For Ariel she fought the demonic beast with the usage of her rune law of transmigration. Since the word transmigration deals the laws closely related to life and death, she then effectively uses her rune law ability to inflict an instant death attribute on each of her swings. Meaning even if she only managed to graze her opponent using her fence like long sword, she would then still be able to kill them instantly as long as she proc her instant kill gimmick.

Of course such a feat wasn't without any restrains. Her ability to proc an instant death isn't an omnipotent thing, but rather something merely by chance like a lottery. To be exact her chance of activating her instant kill ability during a battle is somewhere around 20 percent with an 80 percent of possible failure. Nevertheless her chances was already enough for her to kill a dozen of demonic beast.

After all from the very beginning, she never was the person who would rely to such cheat ability, but rather a person who would use her skills in combat instead. In comparison to Michael who uses an effective sword style which is appropriate for facing dangerous opponent in a prolonged battle, Ariel sword style on the other hand relies on her reaction time and speed. Using such traits she is more closely related to a sword assassin rather than a swordswoman.

Putting that aside, Uriel on the other hand fights conservatively using his short sword. Since he is just a newly summoned archangel and putting the fact that his rune law of wisdom which is associated to knowledge is the most complicated among the rune laws to comprehend, he is still not that efficient in using his own rune law.

Based on what he found in his research inside Asagi's castle library, knowledge is the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association. For the deeper meaning,  Knowledge that is concerned with underlying meanings and principles; integration of facts and feelings with previously acquired knowledge. For deep knowledge to be acquired, a series of learning activities needs to be set in place.

Just from he knows, his own rune law of wisdom will naturally take time for him to comprehend before eh could fully exercise its potential. After all wisdom and knowledge is limitless, like a bottomless pit. They don't know such a limit of such an ability, it is truly incomprehensible. Plus if such a thing is true to its fact, then perhaps once Uriel mastered such rune law would become limitless as he grows stronger.

Until then Uriel would still endure fighting against his opponent with only relying to his short sword swordsmanship and little knowledge he knows in order to execute the minimum effect of his rune law.

By minimum knowledge means the usage of enchanted words, a type of words which rely on the usage of both mana and ordinary word in the daily lives of every creature. Using words such as strengthen, purify, enforce, and sharpen together with the application of small amount of mana, Uriel would then be able to apply it to his short sword to make it effective against its opponents.

Due to enchanted words being applied to his weapon, his short sword then became fatal t o its enemies to the point that he can easily cut its target into half if given the chance.

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