"He isn't," 

Milo's eyes widened, "James said--"

"I know he did, but he also told you that he had kidnapped your mother, he lied. People-- creatures like James lie Milo," She promised, correcting herself.
Milo believed her, he relaxed into the bed properly, allowing her to swipe away a tear that had fallen at the news.
Rosalie's behaviour was shocking, though he didn't say anything about it.

"I thought he had gone to hunt them down," Milo said after a moment, clearing his voice from the emotion.

Rosalie nodded, "It seemed that way, but after your phone call, he sorted himself out," Milo frowned, not understanding what she meant, "He was on the airplane, 5 minutes away from you and Bella before you both ran off,"
Milo sighed, of course Jasper got on that plane. 
Jasper was safe and his reckless actions were for nothing.
Milo swallowed before looking back at the blonde girl, not knowing what else to say. He wanted to see Jasper but he already knew the answer would be no.
All the blood in a hospital wouldn't be good for him, but it still didn't help the craving urge to feel the blondes arms around him as he cried.

"You followed the ruse, right?" Rosalie wondered, watching the human nod, "Everything with James happened, sorry if it caused you confusion,"

"It's ok," Milo mumbled, before adding, "Is he mad at me?"

Rosalie knew what he meant, "No, he knows you had the intent of saving your mother, the video James took told us all,"

Milo winced but he spoke to stop the question of his health from coming out of Rosalie's mouth, "You saw the video,"

She nodded, "Jasper... let's just say my brother was happy that he was the one to kill James,"

"What's wrong with me?" Milo asked, wanting to know if he was seriously hurt.

"Four fractured ribs, three on your left, one on your right, a grade 3 concussion and some cuts here and there," Rosalie explained, "You lost a lot of blood,"

Milo grinned slightly, "I wish my ribs were equal," 

"I can change that for you," Rosalie smiled with him, making Milo laugh but wince after, "I can go and get your mother now, if you'd like,"

"Can you get my Dad please?" Milo asked, watching her nod.
Rosalie left, giving Milo time to properly look around his hospital room. 
He saw his phone and grabbed it, unlocking it quickly, with a small smile on his face.

Hey Angel ;)

He sent the text then put his phone down, smiling wider when his Dad walked through, a worried expression on his face.
They talked and Milo explained what had happened, leaving out the lie obviously. 
He told Charlie about how Bella was finding it hard to believe that she could actually be happy in Forks, she was doubting it and that her words weren't serious.
Charlie hugged him gently and forgave her, but also thanked his son for going after her and attempting to stop the fall she had, even though it only put him in danger too.
Milo shrugged at the apology, he would do anything for his family, even the ones who were immortal. tell 
"Your Mom asked me if Jasper's sister was your girlfriend," Charlie smiled, chucking a little. 

Milo laughed too, "She didn't!"

"Well," Charlie began, "When she got here I was looking for Jasper, she noticed and asked. I told her you were datin' someone but didn't say,"

"You didn't tell her?" Milo asked, frowning a little, "Jasper also has a phobia of hospitals,"
Lying about vampires had become too easy. It was a little scary how well he could let a lie fall from his lips.

Charlie nodded, "I didn't want to 'out you'. I read about it on some website... gay kids should be the ones to tell their parents, don't tell someone without your childs permission and all that-- Renée noticed how much you relaxed when Rosalind walked in,"
Milo's heart softened as he looked at his father.
Charlie had researched stuff to make him feel more comfortable in his sexuality. It was such a small gesture but it meant the world. 

"Rosalie," He corrected gently, not wanting to talk incase his emotions came though.
Charlie nodded, noticing his son's quietness meant something.
He left giving Milo some space, going back to see Bella.
Milo checked his phone, feeling happy when he saw a reply.

Heaven <3:


Heaven <3:
I love you.

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Where stories live. Discover now