Only you would be proud of this.

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They were taking the usual route anyone would take and honestly Sirius was a little bored. The many precautions Lily was taking was a little bit funny but not enough to keep him amused. James was following and nodding to every instruction she was giving and if he had any dung bomb with him he would have thrown it at that prat's face.

That accident was frightening yes, but James was being a little overdramatic here. Marlene is a tough girl and he had seen her shruging off injuries like nothing. Whatever it was this time Sirius knew she would heal in no time.

"Now Potter sometimes I cross paths with other prefects right over here so try to blend in. Look normal."

"Yeah Evans. I know, I know. Don't talk too much and all." James was saying everything in annoyance but his deer eyes were a big give away of how much he was loving this.

Lily glared at him.

"I'm just making sure you understand the position here."

"Have some faith in me. I am good at lying. How do you think I escape detention all the time?"

"If you were too good, Filch's cabinet wouldn't be overflowing with your shenanigans."

"Trust me those are not even half of what I get upto."

"Yeah only you would be proud of this."

Sirius was standing few feet behind them watching the argument like tennis match. Both of them trying to be quiet talking in whispers still not quiet enough.

"Anyone can hear us know." He hissed at them but they paid no mind to them.

"Atleast I am not too proud of something as useless as a prefects batch."

Lily was fuming and James also looked agitated now. Before this turns into full fledged argument he knew he had to step in. Man, he really really hated being the responsible person.

"You two, cut it. If you start bickering again I'll leave you two. Then Prongs you can have the whole long route to bicker with her and Lily you have sleep with the knowledge that I am off somewhere doing whatever and you as a prefect didn't stop me."

Both were silent and Lily looked like she wanted to say something but stopped. James also went in alert. Sirius realized why, there were footsteps coming in there direction.

Lily took a deep breath and started walking normally, "No need to panic. Just behave normal."

James to his credit did not argue this time just followed her. Sirius also started walking with them.

Footsteps grew and grew and suddenly Muliciber, Avery and his brother were standing in front of them. He rolled his eyes at the kind of company his brother his brother was keeping.

"Look who do we have here." Avery's mouth turned into smirk "Mudbloods and blood traitors."

He tried to calm himself but somehow his fist just wanted to punch. He felt James stiffen behind him.

"That's all you got really? No wonder Voldemort isn't adding you to his death eaters circus." James said with his own smirk.

"No need to fight. What are you doing out of bed?" Evans was trying to calm everything.

But nobody paid her any mind.

"This is rich coming from someone who only got this batch in the name of pity." Muliciber sneered stepping very close to Evans. Lily to her credit didn't even flinch.

"Why don't you step away? Expelliarmus!" James shouted.

"Potter! What are doing?"

"He was getting on my nerves."

Avery tried to hit James while he was distracted and Sirius chose to step in and counter hexed Avery. His brother who was standing all this, hesistantly raised his own wand. But this time both James and Sirius were ready. Muliciber had recovered and he also had his wand ready.

"Potter Black do not do anything."

"But -" They both started at the same time.

"Let me handle this. Have some faith."

"Taking orders from girls, I see. Hiding behind her, you really are brave Potter." Avery said looking really too proud of himself.

"You would also if you were on the other end of her wand." Lily glared at James after this statement but he saw a small smile creeping on her face.

"Immobulus." With a single flick of her wrist all of stopped moving.

"Detention Avery, Muliciber. And I will report to Professor Slughorn about this behaviour."

"What about Regulus?" He interjected incredously.

"He is a prefect, I can not give him detention. But I will talk to Professor about him too."

That wasn't enough. Sirius wanted to punch his face but refrained from doing so in front of Lily.

"Anyways let's head to the gryffindor tower." Lily started walking, leading them head held high.

James and Sirius looked at each other and started following her. They reached the common room without any incident.



James and Lily both started at the same time.

"What you were saying?"

"It's just thank you for trusting me today. Things could have gone for worse." Lily said so softly that it didn't feel like the same person who was glaring at them.

"Weird this one." He said rolling his eyes at her bipolar behaviour.

Lily again gave him 'the Lily Evans glare' but her face broke into a smile.

"Could not trust this one here so had to trust you." James punched his arm.

"You wound me Prongs." He said clutching his heart.

"You both are mental." Lily said laughing.

They started walking separately towards their dormitory.

"Potter." James and Sirius turned around. Lily was standing few feet away.

"About the other day... I err wanted to talk about that."

"I know the answer Evans, you do not have to spell it out loud. I think I have always known." Sirius looked at them suspiciously. What were they talking about.

Lily was looking flushed and James well his lips were smiling but not quite reaching his eyes. It was typical James Potter sad smile.

"Okay then. Night." Lily said fidgeting with the sleeve of her robe.

"Good Night."

As they reached the staircase Sirius asked what this was about.

"I'll tell you. Do you have cig?"

OPPOSITE FORCES, A Jily Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now