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Evenings were the best part of the day for him. He loved different colors. From bright orange to Winter Grey, he loved different bright and dull colors and their effect of them on nature. Nature also had an effect on colors. Nature sure knew a trick or two to play with colors. For example, this sky was now exhibiting its vivid beautiful colors. It was just like watching a kid playing with colors. When the first spurt of color meets a wet painting sheet it spreads so unevenly yet so beautifully. He always had a fascination for colors, and so for the evening when nature played with colors. A sudden flash of green streaks from forests awoke him from his reverie. He was startled because he thought for a moment that it was her. Well, she is another colorful story.

Bright green almond-shaped eyes, unnaturally kind with a combination of feisty red curls that reached up to her lower back like waves with few ringlets falling beside of her ears. Yes, she is colorful. She is vibrance. She is a girl whom everyone loved and the girl with whom he had fallen in love.

Well, no matter how much he loved her she would never end up in his arms like a golden snitch which is tauntingly close to your fingers, but you can't close your fingers around it. This feature of her made his chase for her more thrilling. But after all these years he was sort of losing hope in that direction not that he could stop his heart from beating at double speed in her presence or he can stop his traitor eyes from sneaking glances at her or he can ever in million years stop himself from loving her. But anyways he had tried everything to end this obsession (his friends called it obsession). Only because of the insistence of a certain git or we can say that his best friend, Sirius Black.

Speaking of monster!

"PRONGS, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" The monster aka Sirius Black lunged at his best friend started throwing punches wherever he could.

"Ow stop it ow" panted James Potter.

Sirius stopped after two or three more punches stood up and dusted off. James also followed with so much dignity a boy can have after being harassed his own best friend for five minutes.

"What have I done to offend you so much that you thought of killing your own best friend like muggle madman" James asked in a tone that clearly stated 'you must have a really good reason for it, or you will end up with broken limbs and smashed skull'

"Do you know what time is it?? I mean seriously my best friend said to me that he is off to astronomy tower for a smoke for 10 mins but never came back to dormitory. When I thought of searching you in map, your name does not show up. But how dare of me to think of killing you" he paused his speech to look at his friend and added "On second note what are you doing here alone in forbidden forest?"

"Well, I went to astronomy tower, but I thought I saw someone entering in forbidden. At first, I guessed that may be a first or second year came in forest for fun or thrill but on closer look it appeared she was a bit taller for a first or second year. So being curious I followed her, but no one was here."

" Are you sure she was not certain someone with green eyes, red hair or a girl with a name Lily Evans"

James glared at his friend, "Stop making fun of it."

"Okay continue your story..." Sirius raised his hands in mock surrender.

James gave a look to his friend and then said, " Yeah, I thought that the girl went back to castle. But then I heard voices."

Now Sirius looked curious " What kind of voice, I mean whose voice? "

" Nah I didn't recognize the voice neither I heard exactly what they were saying, the voices were kind of muffled. I don't know what it means. But what if it's some sort of doing of Slytherins, maybe they are planning something. " James was looking solemnly at Sirius now. He knew how sensitive topic it was for Sirius.

Sirius had a younger brother Regulus which he pretended not to care about. But James knew how hurt Sirius gets whenever he saw Regulus with his evil Slytherin friends or Regulus helped other Slytherins in their evil works. James thought that deep down Sirius still have hope for Regulus. James smiled at the thought, Sirius the rebellious kid, the black sheep of his family, the ladies' man, was really a softie inside.

"Why are you smiling at me all weirdly?"

" Nothing. Eh just thinking about the possibilities. I mean what whatever the Slytherins are planning." James said hurriedly.

"Okay Mr. Philosopher let's get back to castle before Moony comes here to find us. We'll discuss it to lads... Surely, they will come up with something"

"I suppose you are right. Really, we should get back to castle Moony will be really cranky if he has to come to find us. It's near to his time of month after all." James snickered at their inner joke. Sirius guffawed aloud like a dog. Really James thought Sirius should make his change permanent. He was better dog than a person anyways. With these train of thought they went inside the castle joking laughing all the way.

OPPOSITE FORCES, A Jily Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now