Come back full

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The holidays were approaching fast and Lily was dreading every second of it. With her relationship with Petunia being at the worst place it has ever been, she knew how suffocating it would be at Evans's House. She had half a mind to stay in Hogwarts this Christmas but she missed her parents. Her parents were missing her too, she could sense it in their recent letters.

Aside from that she had said yes to Nate. Mary's words have affected her, love isn't going to smack in her face one day she had to work for it. As much as she wanted to be, she wasn't one of the characters from a book who realises that true love was in front of their eyes all along and gets their happy ending. The thought that there wasn't a Mr. Darcy for her, depressed her but it is what it is. Besides Nate is a good guy. He is good looking, has good grades and is fun to talk to. Maybe she was overthinking everything.

Their trip to Hogsmead was just a day before holidays and Nate had started to plan everything.

"You are so lucky he is doing so much for the first date. I mean Luke took me to Hogshead for it, but I asked him to take me there so I don't know." Marlene said chewing a carrot which Lily had no clue where she had found.

"I know but then I will have to dress up too and I'm not sure how comfortable I am with it." Lily groaned knowing that she was being ungrateful.

"The guy has guts. I mean who makes their feelings so known on first date. If I were a bloke I would never do that." Mary said which increased Lily's anxiety even more.

"What do you his feelings so known? Surely every guy does this much?" Lily asked panicking.

"Not really. He like you a lot. He might even have fallen in love." Marlene teased.

"I know you are teasing but I feel like my heart rate has increased." Lily clutched her heart and closed her eyes to calm herself.

Mary chuckled at her antics, "I miss that rush."

"This is supposed to be good?" Lily asked in between breaths.

"Hey Lils calm down. Blokes do not fall in love that easily. Nate might be a grand gestures kind of a guy, okay? Do you remember how James used to ask you out? It might be a quidditch player thing." Marlene sat in front of her, her carrot abandoned.

Lily did not feel better but she nodded anyway.

"If a guy was in love with me I would feel complimented. I do not know what you are afraid of?" Mary asked inching close to the fire.

"Breaking his heart?" Marlene offered when she didn't answer.

"Yes in a way." Lily huddled close to Marlene Knowing who was now on her team.

"That's a shitty thing to be afraid of. Of course you are going to break his heart and he will break yours. That's the part of this deal." Mary said in a very Mary like enigmatic way.

"You make it sound so romantic." Lily replied.

Marlene laughed.

"Who wants to be a romantic anyway?" Mary asked, even though it was rheotorical question Lily wanted to answer 'Everyone?'.

"Truer words have not been spoken." Black again came to their group to interrupt but this time he wasn't alone. All the marauders were with him.

"Black sometimes I think you and me are soulmates." Mary said looking at him with her best flirty expression.

"I think that too honey." Black smirked.

"No, Padfoot we are not here to see you flirting with MacDonald." Remus piped in.

"Yes, Mary. Think about Davies." Lily said.

"He did flirted with Vance." Mary muttered pouting.

"Are you jealous Lily? You still are my best mate." Sirius said most earnestly but Lily could see his charade, she just rolled her eyes knowing saying something will give him more satisfaction.

"What is this now?" Potter said as if Black announcing a new best mate was every day occurence, maybe it was. With them who knows?

"Oh, I am disowning you. I heard you have been gossiping about me." Black accused.

"You always gossip about me. You even made profit out of it." Potter responded, looking exasperated.

"Do I even want to know?" Lily asked fearing for the lives of innocent Hogwarts students.

"No." Peter advised and she nodded.

But Potter and Black weren't paying attention to her or anyone else.

"I wasn't gossiping, I was sharing information to those quidditch fanatics. Besides they love you, I was doing them a favour."

"Well, maybe even I wasn't gossiping. Maybe I was also sharing information to your lovers."

Marlene loudly asked them before Black could retaliate, "Is there any specific reason you all have graced us with our presence?"

"Yes. You all are going to Hogsmead tomorrow?" Remus asked.

"Yeah. What about it?" Marlene asked.

"Come back full." Potter whispered, sharing some deep secret.

"Unless you are too fond of sweets." Black whispered, maintaining this act.

"Not the food." Lily groaned.

Mary and Marlene also joined in her groaning convincing these idiots to not meddle with their food. As if it was boosting their ego they maintained their enigmatic behaviour.

As if tomorrow's Hogsmead wasn't were her enough, she had to worry about her dinner too. Maybe she would die of hunger and anxiety tomorrow and she wouldn't have to worry about facing Petunia.

OPPOSITE FORCES, A Jily Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now