Why do you make me swoon?

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Sirius couldn't begin to explain how out of place he felt during the funeral. It was a small affair consisting only of family, close friends, and a few cousins. And he couldn't shake off the feeling he was only invited because he lived with Potters.

During the whole ritual, the rain was falling hard on them. He hadn't bothered with the hood of his cloak. No one in the crowd had. He had seen Marlene standing there with closed eyes, head tilted towards the sky as if relishing the weather. But instead of looking relaxed, she looked taut and rigid. The worst thing was Mrs. McKinnon's sobs. Lance was holding her up in his arms as she cried. Mrs. Potter stood on the other side of her saying a few consoling words that he in the pitter-patter of rain cannot hear. James was also standing in the McKinnon - Potter crowd, just beside Michael.

Needless to say, he wanted to leave all of this as soon as he could. But Marlene had resolutely stated that she wasn't going anywhere today, their parents had decided it was best if all of them returned to Hogwarts together tomorrow morning. Sirius and James were given one of the guest rooms to share and the girls the other room. The house was so crowded that Mrs. Potter had suggested taking 'the kids' with her to the Potter House - which was a practical idea, according to Sirius anyway, considering the house was just around the corner. But the McKinnon's had insisted.

Sirius was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. He had counted 100 hippogriffs, still he couldn't sleep. He couldn't shake off the sound of Mrs. McKinnon's sobs. It was torturing him in a way he couldn't place. A very jealous thought had popped in his head, 'Had Walburga even shed a tear when he had left?' He couldn't stop a bitter laugh from escaping his lips, 'as if she ever cared, that woman is heartless.' There was no one in the room to distract him from his thoughts. James - the prat - had gone to terrace where all the McKinnon brothers were trying to drink away their grief.

He needed to get out of this room. Get some fresh air or a good distraction. He opened the door and started walking towards the corridor that will lead him to the hallway. It was designed like any other old pureblood houses but less extravagant and lighter and cozier. As he rounded the corner he came face to face with Lily.

But she didn't look at him. Her eyes were screwed shut and her hands bawled up in fists. Sweat was dripping from her forehead. He rushed to her, "Hey Evans... Evans... Lily?"

Finally, she broke out of whatever seizure or trance she might be in. She looked at him and tried to compose herself.

"Are you alright? What was happening to you?"

She nodded maybe still unable to speak.

"You don't look alright. Here let me help you." He helped her to sit down on the floor. She held her head in her hands and started massaging it.

"Why is it you who always find me in embarrassing situations?" She groaned. "It's just really terrible headache."

He looked at her, "Are you ill or something?"

"Umm no. But it started happening after an ah incident. And just - " She stopped. But he got curious after the mention of word incident. What kind of? Some sort of girl drama maybe. Did he want to involve in something like this?

But against his better judgment he asked, "What incident?"

But she brushed off the question, "Nothing particularly interesting."

After few moments she asked, "How much do you know about Professor Jones?"

"Not really much, other than the fact she looks bloody good for her age and yeah she was a seventh year in Hogwarts when we entered here. Also, for some apparent reason she doesn't like me much. But why?"

OPPOSITE FORCES, A Jily Love storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang