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Against all the reservations Lily had, their date had gone well. Nate had been a gentleman, somehow he had managed to get a whole table in the corner of three broomsticks entirely for themselves. Lily was twirling the flower Nate had given her and walking to the hospital wing.

Even though the day had went well, Lily was getting headaches again and from experience she knew this thing isn't going anywhere without the potion. Somehow she will have convince the nurse, only if she had the ingredients she was pretty sure she could brew it. She knew she could just ask Slughorn for ingredients and surely he will not say no to her but she hesitated. It was one thing to share her plight and pain with the nurse who thought she was a silly witch who couldn't handle pain and whole another thing to share it with Slughorn who thought so highly of her.

Entering the Infirmary she prayed the hospital wing to be empty so that no one would witness her begging. This day had went a little too well for her prayer to get answered.



James Potter was sitting on a stool next to a bed where Sirius no, Regulus laid.

"What happened to him?" She asked.

He frowned, "I don't know. I found him in this state, so I brought him here."

She suspiciously looked at him, "Did you attack him?"

"Yeah because I love to spend my Hogsmead days in hospital wing." He said dryly.

"A simple no could have sufficed." She said.

"Are you here to throw accusations only? Or show off your flowers?" He nodded at the flowers she held.

His tone was ticking her off, "Why would I show off flower?"

"Because your boyfriend got these. Lilies, how unoriginal." He smirked triumphantly as if he had won a battle.

She had thought the exact same thing still she glared at him, "It's none of your business."

He still kept on smirking and Lily was trying very hard not to slap that smirk away. So, she walked quickly towards the nurse who was coming out of her office.

"What do you need Miss Evans?" Madam Pomfrey asked in a tone that clearly suggested that she knew what Lily wanted.

Lily put on her best good girl smile, "Pain relieving potion." She took one glance at Potter who pretended that he wasn't evasdropping but she could clearly see through his act. She took a deep breath, guess she will have to beg in front of her enemy, "I know what you said Ma'am, but please I need to pack for tomorrow and have to complete my homework before holidays. It's really really hard to focus with a headache."

"But Miss Evans you know the consequences. You are a bright girl." Pomfrey started but Lily gave her best convincing look she could.

Nurse's eyes softened, "Okay this is the last time."

Lily smiled, all begging and humiliation was worth it.

Lily fidgeted with her sweater sleeve when Nurse went in her chamber to get the Potion.

"Evans I really really think you should consult some adult about this."

She scoffed, "As if you consult adults with your issues."

He grinned, "Touché." But his tone changed more serious now and Lily suppressed a groan, "Dark curses is not our forte. And by the time we find something, it could be too late."

She gave him her sweetest smile, "And what should we tell them? That I suspect-" she lowered her voice "-one of the professors has cast a spell on me?"

His eyebrows scrunched as he thought absentmindedly rubbing the bridge of his glasses, "Yeah you are right we can't do that. You really have no recollection right?"

Lily uneasily glanced in the hospital wing. Aside from Regulus who was not concious no one else was there, but Lily didn't want anyone to evasdrop, "Can't we discuss it somewhere else?"

He bit his lip, "I have to stay with Regulus. It's important."

She wanted to continue this discussion and even though she had vowed she would never do any of his spells, "Muffliato."

He looked confused so she explained, "So that no one can evasdrop."

A grin was forming on his face, "So no one can hear us?"


"Poppy come here." Potter casually called.


She shook her head at his antics, "Real mature Potter."

"Who wants to be mature? When you can CAREFREE, ADVENTUROUS, ALIVE?" He looked expectantly at her.

"No, no unlike you I am not a five year old."

He shook his head in disappointment.

"Ok fine. Only once okay? YOU ARE A GIANT TOERAG." She looked at him yelling incase he took offence but he never did. She will never admit this to him but it was his best quality.

"What have I done corrupted our Prefect?" He looked at the ceiling in disappointment. Lily have to give him credit, he could be a good actor.

But then mood shifted again as he asked the question again, Lily explained to him how she couldn't remember anything about that incident.

He mused over sometime, "Whatever that curse must be, either it was performed when you were uncouncious or he wiped the memory of that incident."

Both options were equally scary to her, "But memory charms are really scary if they go wrong-" but suddenly her head started hurting.

He reached out to her instantly as her knees unbuckled, "Are you alright Evans?"

"Mhmm, I'm fine." She focused on her breathing and tried to think about it, "I think this discussion triggered something."

He was still supporting her, "Maybe our second guess was correct. But obliviate requires real skill, and if not performed correctly-"

Her headache finally subsided and she looked at him in alarm, "Then why risk performing it in first place? There are so many other way to maintain anonymity.

"Unless it is not performed to maintain anonymity while cursing someone but to remove something you are not supposed to remember."

Surely if someone removed something important from her brain she would feel something, "Do you really think I heard or saw something I wasn't supposed to?"

His expression looked grim, "It is the best explanation we have till now."

After him asking a million time of she will be okay with going on her own, finally she left the hospital wing. She would love to continue discussing because some how she knew they were going in right direction. Maybe this was a blind instinct or the ghost of the removed memory.

She took the pathway through dungeons because well she was hoping to stumble upon him. It was a long day and Lily really would love to sit on her bed and mull over their discussion but she really wanted to stumble on him.

She walked looking at Slytherins entering and exiting their common room. She didn't stray close but she kept one eye on that door. At one time she was so focused on that door that she didn't realise he was just behind her.


She turned around to face him, he looked worse than the last time she had seen him. His face looked more pale and gaunt and his lips curled in a sneer.

"What's the mudblood doing here?" Avery called and Snape flinched.

He wasn't alone, he was with Avery and Muliciber and suddenly she felt like a foolish fifteen year old girl standing in front of the lake defending him.

"I.. I have to go." She muttered to no one in particular.

She ran past them all not knowing or thinking where she was going, she opened a door of an unused classroom and went inside steadying her breathing.

But what was inside shocked her more, two people were entangled in a way that could only mean one thing. She would have awkwardly said sorry and left except it was

"Marlene? Sirius?"

OPPOSITE FORCES, A Jily Love storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt