The final Rejection

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"So, what was really going on?"

"I'll tell you Mary once we reach the dorm."

"It looked like he was about to -"

"I know what it looked like. I was there."

"Hey, Lily! You want to hang out?"

"Not now Nate. Lily and I are going to spend time right now."

Lily made an apologetic face at Nate. He shrugged it off. Lily wasn't sure what to tell Mary right now. Everything had escalated so quickly, she still had to make sense of what happened.

The dorm was empty, thankfully. Lily and Mary sat on Lily's bed.

"So?" Mary prompted.

"Can we wait for Marlene to arrive? So that I can tell you both at same time?"


"Okay! Okay!"

So, Lily told her everything that transpired between her and Potter. After listening everything Mary asked,

"So, what you'd have done?"

"About what?"

Mary looked at her as she couldn't believe her, "You'd have kissed him back or not?"

"Of course not. Don't you know me? I despise that guy." Lily felt her heart hammering in her chest.

"Do you really? Because sometimes it feels as though you're getting along quite well." Mary picked her nails, not really meeting her eyes.

"Mary, just because we have civil conversations a few times doesn't mean I will kiss him." Lily sighed in annoyance.

Mary did not say anything in reply.

Lily then asked the question she was bursting to ask, "Did you know? That he seriously liked me?"

"Honestly Lily I never thought that he ever stopped fancying you. That guy was head over heels for you last year."

"I don't think he was. I can admit that at first, I thought he liked me. But after a point, it was obvious that he was trying to make a fool out of me." Lily closed her eyes trying to remember last year. Every time she had rejected him, wasn't there a crestfallen look on his face which she always thought she had imagined?

So even if she accepts that he had liked her all along. Does that information changes anything? He still had hurt her on many occasions, he still was a bullying toerag, he still is the person who makes her blood boil with everything he says.

"You can't possibly be this oblivious, Lils. He liked you; he always has." Mary threw her hand in the air.

"Well, that doesn't change anything. I hate him, frankly speaking, I've given up on him. Maybe there was a small part of me that hoped that he will grow up and the Marauders and us could be friends. But what he said to me in common room... you weren't there."

Mary scooped closer to her and put her arm on her shoulders, "Hey, I'm not saying this information has to change anything. Just because he likes you, you don't owe him anything. But you have to tell him the truth. Whatever you feel."

Mary had a point. Lily has to tell him the truth. She can't be leaving him with any ounce of hope, that would be cruel. So, she nodded to her. It was time for the final rejection.

And we're the witness that she never ever again had to reject him in future. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Lily was asleep when Marlene came in their room. She sleepily saw Mary filling in her with everything that happened today. She was in and out of sleep until Marlene shrieked, "James did what?"

Sarah groaned as Cleo said, "Knock it off you two."

Lily was now finally awake. She grabbed her robe as Mary signaled them to go to the common room to discuss. Three of them were in no time sitting on their favorite couch by fire. A few students were still there, working on their homework.

"So Lils James kissed you?" Whispered Marlene.

"No, he was about to." Lily explained.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Marlene whisper shrieked.

"I know right." Mary said looking quite pleased after sharing the information.

Lily rolled her eyes at their antics.

"Miss oblivious here had no clue he still had feelings for her."

Lily groaned.

"You should have asked me Lils, I would have told you." Laughed Marlene.

This whole banter went for an hour until they all fell asleep. Even with all the drama that occurred today with Sirius and James, still she was feeling really happy with the girls around her.

So a short chapter, but last two chapters plus this chapter, these were all describing the events of one day. So that's why.

As you all obviously know your reviews, suggestions are always welcome. And you guys are my ultimate source of motivation, so feel free to share any thoughts, views related to the story or our beloved marauders.

Virtual Hugs


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