I'm a dog person.

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"Open the page 246. Now, before starting the theory I must warn you human transfiguration is one of the most difficult branch of transfiguration. That means, I require your utmost attention - including you Mr. Black, before I transform you into a form of animal that obeys my words l." For some reason it was extremely funny to marauders who started snickering at this, and to Lily's extreme shock even Remus was suppressing a smile. But with one stern look from Mcgonagall, they all sat straight, their laughter erased but mirth still twinkling in their eyes.

Lily peeked another look at Remus, he was looking rather ill somehow worse than last night when she had found him sleeping in the couch. Marlene had hushed her and explained how sorry he was. So, Lily knew she had to assure him she wasn't cross or upset. His illness wasn't his fault and no matter what Severus or those prejudiced books said.

"Now the complete transformation is not possible for a human unless or untill they are animagi. If a human wishes to transform themselves into another human, generally potions are used. Can someone name me the name of potion used to transform one's properties to another person?"

Several hand shot up including her own.

"Yes, Miss Vance."

"Polyjuice Potion, Professor." Emily Vance daintily smothened her robe before sitting down. Lily saw Mary rolling her eyes at her.

"Five Points to Ravenclaw. Now, we will start on the basic principles behind human transfiguration including..."

And Lily had stopped listening as she saw Severus sitting nearby. His face was looking more gaunt than ever and he was passing notes with Muliciber. So, they are close friends now? Lily tried to distract herself from them by focusing on Mcgonagall. But it was hard focus now that she must have missed something relevant.

Lily focused on Mary sitting beside her doodling something on her parchment, her new fringes falling in her face. Mary had been following wherever Marlene was going these days. Even in the morning practices she was sitting in the stands waiting for Marlene to come back. The only reason she was sitting with her was because Potter had already acclaimed the seat next to Marlene.

Marlene sounded irritated by Mary but there was always a fond smile on her face when she was complaining about Mary. Maybe because of this new mood shift in the dorm room, she had agreed to join them today for a girls slumber night. In theory she should have used this day to complete her homework or try to read whatever she was missing out because of daydreaming in class but Lily being Lily just wanted to increase her work so that she could later feel sorry for herself.

She only had Transfiguration before lunch and double potions after that. She liked Thursdays, one of the week day when she had enough time to relax or do a little light reading but that time was also going to be taken away because of her session with Black. Honestly everything they searched they had come up with dead end and it was so frustating to not know at this point. She had made a resolution if she wasn't able to find something by Christmas Holidays, she will share with the girls and Remus. However insane they might find her, atleast five heads were better than two heads.

"I'm so bloody afraid of Mcgonagall. Everything is going out of my head." Marlene was whinning to them and Lily agreed to Marlene on the latter point.

"I know I should have dropped Transfiguration. I hate that subject." Mary complained.

They were waiting for the food to appear, Davies had dropped by and given Mary a passionate kiss and Lily tried very hard to focus on the table in front of them.

"I should follow your lead too." Marlene said reaching for the dishes appearing in front of them.

"About what Marls?" Lily said absent mindedly.

OPPOSITE FORCES, A Jily Love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ