Professor Jones

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This doesn't add up. So, of all 31 people who could have held grudge against her or might have a reason to take revenge, she couldn't see any of them doing this. Maybe the love potion was never meant for her to drink? maybe it was targeted at someone else, and she took it by coincidence. That could be it. But then again who? Nothing was making sense now.

It was all so easy when she blamed Potter for this. She had the perfect culprit. But no, he has to spoil it by being innocent (at least of this). He is too confusing for her. Back in the common room, he looked.... nervous? He wasn't behaving like his usual arrogant self. She had enjoyed teasing him at that time.

She stifled a yawn. In all the murder mysteries she had read, these things came so easily to the detective. Channel your inner Sherlock Holmes Lily, she mentally boosted herself. But it was past midnight, and the bed was so comfortable and soon enough she fell asleep.

She woke up with a smile on her face. Finally, weekend has arrived. No class today. And what a morning this was, after so many gloomy and cloudy days, this was a bright day. She looked around her room. Marls was probably in taking a bath, Mary was curling her hair and her other two roommates were not in the room. Nice.

"Lils now that you're awake, tell me which one I should wear, this blue pullover or that white cardigan I got last Christmas?" She was currently wearing blue pull over and frowning at her reflection.

"What's the big day?" She asked climbing out of her bed.

Mary smirked, "Date with Richard Davies."

"Head boy? He's so-

"Dreamy, Sexy. I know."

"- was going to say cute. But yeah. When he asked you?"

"He came to me after divination. Really looked in my eyes and just asked. Not a bit of nervousness. So, fucking hot." Mary smiled. But again, on the verge of panic, "tell me, which one? Blue is nice and simple which would mean I'm not thinking too much about this date but white is snuggly and slimming."

Lily looked at Mary for a moment. Clearly, she wanted to wear white one. "Go with white. Guys don't have the brains to deduce so much from your choice of sweater. "

"I just want this date to end well."

"By ending well do you mean with him being on top of you?" Showered and still dressed only in her bathrobe, Marlene said. Luckily Mary didn't hear as she was changing her sweater.

Lily laughed, "You're filthy."

"I'm just stating the fact now." Marlene shrugged.

"How do I look?" Mary asked.

"Damn Sexy. He'll rip off this sweater and- "

Lily was not surprised when Mary threw a pillow at her.

"This is how my friends treat me." Marlene pouted.

"Okay I'm getting late now. Bye Lils, bye Marls." Mary rushed past them with a quick 'good luck' and 'you've got this' from Lily and Marlene. Lily hoped this date to go well. Mary was so far the most popular girl, but she was not lucky in relationship department. Which, Lily knew, was making her a bit insecure.

"So, how are you going to spend today?" Marlene asked.

"Catching on schoolwork." Lily replied.

"Booooriiiiing." Marlene fake yawned.

Lily shook her head. "Oh, and I have to ask the new astronomy professor to allow me to attend the class with Ravenclaws." She had missed her first astronomy class due to whole love potion fiasco.

OPPOSITE FORCES, A Jily Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now