You do deserve this.

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Marlene was hyperventilating. Sirius was trying his best to calm her down, and was failing fantastically. The most depressing thing about it was not even a few hours ago Marlene had been there for him.

"Marlene, listen to me?" He cupped her face. It was a simple gesture which he had learned from her only.

"Whether you can see it or not people love you Sirius. Potters, your friends, us all. Even your brother." She had cupped his face, piercing blue eyes merely inches away from his own.

It was now his turn. She was staring at him expecting to what was he going to say, "Evans is your friend and she will not tell anyone if that's what you are worried about."

She relaxed a little and said, "She will think I cheated on Luke which technically I did."

Now that she mentioned it, he remembered Luke was also in the picture.

"But she will understand, try to explain it to her." Sirius said and then an idea came to his head, "Or let me talk to her."

"You will talk to her? Don't you think that will make matters worse?" Marlene asked her hand shaking.

"No it won't. You know how charming I am." Sirius tried to give his most confident look to her.

"I have fucked up everything, haven't I? Why do I do this to myself?" Marlene groaned.

Sirius knew once again he was at fault. Since the summer break he had resisted on every impulse, even at Mark McKinnon's funeral but today he was so different. It was as if 2nd August was mirrored. Why every time he breaks down, it's in front of her? Most importantly why they always ended up like this?

"Sometimes it's hard to believe that. It's like walking on thin wire, I'm afraid I'll make one more mistake and people will just stop putting up with my crap." He responded, sharing more than he ever shared with anyone.

She shook her head, "Sirius we all will always put up with your crap."

"Even though you have fucked this up. I am sure Lily will not judge you and about Luke, he will also forgive you." Sirius tried to explain. Luke had to forgive her, if he was the reason behind their breakup.. he didn't finish that train of thought.

"I do not need forgiveness from Luke. I know it sounds stupid but we had this fight today -" and she explained everything to him. And he totally resonated with her. He knew that feeling. There are so many times where he felt like he held too much power over someone. But the real people around him had not given him this power, they had made him vulnerable.

He closed in, their noses almost bumping. At that time everything froze in his mind, "You do keep up with my crap. I don't deserve this." He had almost said 'I don't deserve you' but he held back.

She smiled, not her always jovial happy smile but a sad smile, "You do deserve this. Thousands times over."

His heart which was beating like a drum, creating crazy scenarios and thousands of what ifs went back to its original rhythm. He leaned in as their lips met. And soon they were in each other's arms, just like they used to be in summer break. Hidden from a world where he wasn't a Black, where he hadn't betrayed his friends, where he deserved everything. Where he deserved her.

"So you were thinking of breaking up with him?"

"I don't know. I wanted to at that moment, but now it feels like I'm breaking up with him because you know I cheated on him. Why I had to complicate my life?" She stood and started pacing.

Sirius did not know what to say. Giving advice wouldn't be appropriate considering he was the one she had cheated with.

"McKinnon, you should go back to your dorm, get some rest and sort out your head while everyone is at dinner and I will talk to  Evans."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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