I know a way

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"Nah, your turn," Lily whispered mischievously.

"Okay. Your first accidental magic?"

James had returned after thirty minutes with Butterbeer for her and Fire whiskey for him. For the first ten minutes, Lily had thought he would forget all about her and wouldn't return. Nor that she would blame him for that after all this was his party and he would definitely want to enjoy it with his mates. After ten minutes she had accepted he wouldn't return, and this thought somehow made her restless and suddenly she had wished to be anywhere but here. Nevertheless, he had arrived, and Lily was - surprisingly - happy about it.

"You don't remember?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, I do remember. Umm I was seven years old, and my mama used to cut my hair short, she likes everything neat. And I remember I hated that, short hair you know? So anyways I used to magically grow it up to my waist. It was unruly and unkempt, but it made me feel so happy."

He burst out laughing. "Didn't know you were so stubborn as a kid." Gaining his breath he added, " Not that you aren't now."

She glared at him, "Okay you tell me yours's first."

He started laughing, "I don't remember honestly. "

She stared at him in disbelief, "Really Potter?"

"Yeah, generally in magical households it's not a big deal. Everyone knew I'll be magical. If you're really curious, you'll have to ask my mother."

"I guess I'll pass. Okay Your first kiss?"

James cringed, "Really I have to tell you?"

Now Lily was curious, "Is it that bad? Who that person can be? Is it Sirius?"

James scoffed, "The joke is old now. I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone." He said dramatically. Leaning close to her he whispered, " Sarah Vance"

"No way! But you never went on a date or anything. "

"Do you keep tabs on who I am dating?"

Lily rolled her eyes, "You're so full of yourself. She is my roommate obviously I would have known."

James grinned at the insults, "Whatever Evans. Anyway, it was nothing, we were bored in this party my mum throws and we both wanted to know what it's like snog. So, we made out."

"Why everything you do screams typical Potter? Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question." After a pause, "You can sit if you like. The stairs won't turn into slide until you cross third one."

"I know that." When Lily glared at him, he defensively added, "What? every guy has tried to enter the mighty girl's dormitory at some point." Then he added enigmatically, "I have entered girls' dormitory several times. I know a way."

Lily was only annoyed on principle. She shuddered, "I don't even want to know. But come here sit down. You've been standing for so long. "

"Umm okay." Lily watched carefully as he crouched down to sit on the stair. He was quite tall not lanky tall like Remus. But just tall tall. His knees were in a very awkward angle, but it didn't look like it bothered him too much. From close his antlers looked more real than she had expected. He was observing the party.

"It's my turn now."

"Huh?" He seemed a bit dazed or something like that which Lily couldn't put finger on.

"My turn. You don't remember? The game you had suggested?"

"Oh yeah... yeah. Go on. Tell me."

"Are you alright?" To be honest Lily was getting worried. Had he consumed too much alcohol? But he seemed just fine standing there.

OPPOSITE FORCES, A Jily Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now