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This is going to be a big note. I think the reader and writer share a special bond not unlike the blood magic. To quote Dumbledore, " Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it." So I wanted to be clear with you all.

1. Yes I will finish this story. I'm very new at this whole novel writing thing and also I'm working on an original story. So yeah it'll take time but hopefully I will give you the end you all deserve for suffering this with me.

2. As you can see I like to write in details and this fanfiction is devoted to multiple POVs. So far we had chapters devoted to Lily, James, Sirius and Marlene. Somewhere in future there'll be chapter with POVs of Remus, Mary maybe Peter but when? I can't answer to that right now.

3. I haven't edited the chapters so you might find some real errors and typos. I will try editing it when I have covered significant part of the story.

4. Currently in 'OF' universe -

Lily was given a love potion. The mystery behind the culprit hasn't been resolved but we will find about it in later future.

James is trying to get over Lily but how fruitful that mission is going? Well, we all know that.

Marlene and James had a big fight about something which led to fall out of their friendship. What? We don't know. But we are very close to find that out. Also there is a little past mentions of a certain grey eyed wizard (*coughs* Black *coughs* ) also being involved in her life.

And lastly Voldemort is planning something (which we all know is not something new). And there is this character Professor Jones and who was that man with her?

So there is a big bundle of back stories and mysteries waiting to get uncoiled. Feel free to ask any questions you have in comments.

Virtual hugs.


OPPOSITE FORCES, A Jily Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now