What if I am involved too?

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Again his best friend was right, he had got distracted by Evans but this time he could defend himself that he wasn't at fault. After them talking about who could have hexed her, James was surprised to know that one hour was completed and Professor has came to examine their work.

At the time when they were dismissed James had completely forgotten about the prank. He started walking with Evans, who was walking really slowly and he had a tough time keeping up with her pace.

"At this rate you might as well give a snail tough competition." James said.

"Slow and steady wins the race." Lily told him doing air quotes.

He looked at her as if she was mad.

She burst out laughing, "C'mon it's a real saying. Have you not heard of 'The tortoise and the hare'?"

"No, I haven't."

"It's a children's story. A rabbit and tortoise race each other and tortoise wins." Lily explained.

"That's mad. A tortoise can not win against a rabbit, the tortoise might be enchanted. There must be a wizard involved." James couldn't for the life of him fathom this message.

"No, the rabbit takes a nap. But you might be right, maybe magic was behind it." Lily said, undoubtedly thinking about it. She bit her lip with a look of amused concentration on her face and James forgot that they are supposed to go inside the portrait. He stood there watching her give the password to fat lady and walk inside. Bloody hell, get a grip, James. The next detentions are going to be torture he knew.

It was when he entered the common room, he realized where he was supposed to right now. One look at his mates and he knew he is going to be the butt of their jokes for the rest of the week. Peter was the first one to notice him, he elbowed Sirius and before he could notice him and come up with something clever James went back to the portrait hole and climbed out.

He walked towards the corridor outside charms class room, ducked inside. Opening the map, he looked out for anyone lurking anywhere near and slipped his cloak on. With his cloak on it was easy for him to navigate through the corridors, the trick being staying far far from anyone that might be present. At this time with few minutes to curfew there were very few students roaming about and he knew he could just speed walk towards his destination.

Entering the loo he planted the dung boms as a distraction and then set the different stuff he had bought from zonko's, so that the noise gets burried down.

After all of that James ran towards the corridor and whispered the spell- keeping Remus's advice in his mind- and suit of armours climbed down. He only needed two of them but spelled three of them anyway and started to head towards the hidespot they had planned for them.

He checked in the map and saw just as he had expected Filch along with professor Mcgonagall was in the loo, surely looking at the aftermath of dung boms and all other products. Grinning he started running walking towards one of the hidden pathway that will ensure that the loo will come in his walk back to gryffindor tower but he had to hurry. According tohis calculations he had mere minutes.

When he entered the hidden path, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was away from the sight of crime. And surely no one would notice three missing suit of armours, right? Keeping a close look in the map, he started heading towards the Gryffindor common room. He made a face at the thought of passing by the dungeons but he had no choice, it was the safest route. He took a double take, when he saw two people in this same passage as him- Regulus Black and Severus Snape. He was surprised, even Filch didn't know about this passage. They were heading towards him, so he flattened himself against the wall and hoped for the best.

Wishpered voices could be heard.

"You are not going to find solution for a spell like that in Library, Black." An annoying waspish voice spoke.

"Where else was I supposed to find answers?" A very familiar voice spoke.

"Why don't you ask your friends?" Even James couldn't see them, he could feel Snape dripping with sarcasm here.

"Don't take that tone on me, Snape." Regulus warned.

"See Black, you are just like your brother. You think because those other Slytherins boys worship the ground you walk in, I will too then you are a moron just like him. Don't forget that you are only in his ranks because of your family and their involvement."

And suddenly they were in his view. James laboured to breathe slowly and make no noise.

"And what makes you think that it's only their involvement? What if I am involved too?" Regulus's chin was lifted.

At this point James was intrigued, what involvement were they talking about?

Regulus rolled up his sleeve to show something to Snape. James did not have vantage to look at it but for a split second he saw something of awe on Snape's face and then he recomposed it to usual.

"Now that you have seen this, never ever compare me to my brother." And with that Regulus walked away, chin lifted with an air of superiority he had seen in Sirius.

Snape stood there for a moment lost in his thought, and then started to walk. James breathed a sigh of relief, just then Snape turned directly looking at the spot he was standing. Was he that loud? But James was not worried he knew he could take on Snape but he never had to because Snape again started walk away, billowing his cloak.

After that the rest of his journey was boring. He contemplated on what he had heard, he wanted to tell the lads but he also knew how much Sirius would flip. But Sirius had a right to know and somehow he had to calm him down.

OPPOSITE FORCES, A Jily Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now