Siblings are complicated

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Siblings are complicated, we have established that.

Regulus had always looked upto Sirius. He copied everything Sirius did, at an extent where their cousins would comment that they looked and behaved as twins. But Regulus knew they weren't twins, they appeared by design. His design. He knew the difference between the two of them.  Sirius was much more confident, outspoken, had this air of nonchalance that he wanted so much.

When he had voiced this to Narcissa, she had just laughed and said, "Every younger sibling feels that way. Have you seen how perfect Bella is?"

At that time Regulus was eight. He did not have the mark, he was not the next best thing in Black family, he did not have the pressure of being everything his brother couldn't be. So he copied him.

But at age eleven he realized perhaps his brother was not who he appeared to be. And seamlessly the person he was copying was only someone he appeared to be. Things that he learned about his brother in his first train ride was so much more than he did in all those ten years. It felt like finally his brother was alive after all those years. Is that what felt like, being sorted in Gryffindor?

But he never got the answer himself. When that treacherous hat gave him the option to choose he remembered his distraught parents shrieking at kreacher and him when Sirius was sorted in Gryffindor. He had realized that night that as much as he wanted it to be true, Black family couldn't have two Sirius. So he chose Slytherin. Walking towards his table he did not meet his brother's eye and started the journey of being Regulus Black.

Regulus stepped up whenever Sirius rebelled. Can't he see their parents were under pressure too? But Sirius always chose what he wanted rather than what was needed. That person was always Regulus, filling the gap that Sirius left behind.

So, the summer when Sirius left Grimhauld place he volunteered to take the mark because that's what a son does for his family, because -even though no one voiced this- that was needed. The dark lord was losing faith in Black family, so he needed to do something to seal that faith.

He did not know the details behind what had actually happened which finally made Sirius snap and leave but it had something to do with Bella trying to infuse some senses in him the old way. He shuddered to think what Bella thought was the old way considering how admirably she spoke of unforgivables. And the fact that sixteen year old Sirius who did not know apparition apparated himself out of house made him think of the gravity of the situation. He loved his brother but he loved his parents more. Amd who cares about wrong or right when it comes to love?

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