Honorary Marauder's game of 50 CHANCES

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This morning couldn't have been better for James. He still couldn't believe Lily actually believed that he didn't do it. There was a constant smile on his face today. Even Professor McGonagall has noticed him a bit too happy today. She was looking at him over her glasses with a stern face. Obviously, she suspected he was planning of pulling a prank.

His friends noticed his good mood too. After that incident in the great hall, he had been sulky even though all tension has resolved that night. And they must have felt something because they all went to lengths to persuade Evans. So, naturally, when he was asked about his sudden change of mood, during breakfast, he withheld the information. He knew he would share it, but at first, he liked them sweating.

"Can't believe my best friend will keep secrets from me." Sirus pouted.

James only smirked in response.

"Seriously Prongs, you should tell us." Peter said.

"I know asking about it will only make you feel more superior and only increase you want to tease us, but I can't help it. Tell us."

James laughed at their expressions. Specially Sirius's, it was killing him. He felt quite smug.
"Can't a guy be just happy? Must there be a reason?"

"Yeah, he can. But not the one who have been sulking for past few days." Moony pointed.

A smile too big was forming on Padfoot's face. James knew it too well. It was the same smile that came with the idea of all the ridiculous pranks like turning all the water blue or sticking the furniture on the ceiling which the former gave them blue face for entire holidays and the latter broke James leg. He visibly winced. This creepy smile also came with stupid games like 'Who can fit more sausages in their mouth?' Or 'Who had done it in most weird place?'. One look at Moony confirmed he had also seen it. Peter as usual was clueless.

"Ahem, Fellas do you know what this means?" Padfoot finally said a bit too loudly. Several heads turned their way.

"What?" Moony dared to ask. He gave James a glare just to show who he was blaming this for.

"An Honorary Marauder's game of 50 CHANCES."

James groaned. You see, the games of 50 chances was invented 5 years ago. Valentine's day of their 1st year. They were four innocent (as innocent as a marauder can be) kids, who still thought they didn't need girls or dates and Valentine's Day was total load of crap. So, their surprise when a senior year asked Padfoot to go on a date with him. Naturally he got all smug and decided to keep the name of girl to himself which led to invention this game.

Peter clapped enthusiastically. "With the same rules Sirius?"

"Why you hate me Padfoot? Why must my happiness be sacrificed?" He said overdramatically. But he was starting to regret not telling them.

"You bought this on yourself Prongs." Moony gave him a sympathetic pat.

"Yes, Wormy same rules. Each and every marauder will get 50 chances to guess the correct reason behind Prongs unusually happy mood. Any questions?" Sirius went continued over Peter as if the exchange ignoring James and Remus.

"One question. Can I play too?" A second year sitting beside peter asked.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Are you a marauder Dave?"

Dave shook his head as in no.

"Did you or not hear when I said An Honorary Marauders game."

Dave looked disappointed.

"Stop harassing the kid Sirius." Sirius was met with a stern look of Remus John Lupin.

So, before Remus could further reprimand Sirius.
Sirius said, "And the game starts in 3...2... 1."
He turned to James and asked, "Guess 1: Is it because you played a prank without me?"

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