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"Hey, McKinnon! Oi McKinnon!" Oof she wasn't hearing him. Or maybe she was pretending that she can't hear him. She did that a lot.

"Yeah, dear Sirius, why am I graced by your presence? Do tell me." Marlene asked sweetly. She even batted her eyelashes for extra effect. The sarcasm here was so thick that even Peter could notice it and well he was Sirius, king of sarcasm (Moony would actually disagree to that, but that was Moony's opinion. Any wise man would agree to whatever Remus John Lupin said but Sirius ahem... was not.)

"Well, that's what I live for. Don't you know? To please you ladies." He winked at a fifth-year girl sitting nearby for a good measure. She blushed and smiled at him. Out of the corner of her eyes he saw Marlene rolling her eyes.

"You haven't answered my question. What do you want?" She asked him in a bored tone. 

"Can we talk alone?" He gave her his best sincere look. It must have worked because instead of any other quirky comeback she just nodded. Thankfully she was alone, with her friends she never would have relented, he thought.

Outside of Gryffindor common room, she grabbed his arm. "We're alone now. This must be something serious. And don't you dare make that joke."

He grinned; she is fast.
"Look McKinnon, you're Evan's friend."

"Stating the obvious."

"And Prongs I mean James was your friend

She cut him off. "Was here is the keyword. And I don't want to talk about him." Her face was blank now. Trying hard not to show any emotion. But Sirus saw a tint of sadness in her eyes.

"Listen to me first.  Even if you two aren't friends anymore, you know him since he was a kid. You are like-" he then corrected himself " were like his sister. You won't do something like that. Knock some sense in Evans. Tell her hear him at least. He's really trying." He would never have forced her in this uncomfortable conversation if it hadn't involved Prongs. Even if couldn't understand why, but this really, really bothered Prongs.

She wasn't even looking at him. He saw her looking past his shoulders into nothing. But then she looked into his eyes directly. Blue sparkly eyes. It sometimes wondered him how blue these eyes looked. The corner of her eyeball had silverish white specks like snowflakes.

"Sirius." She said in a low voice. And just like that he broke the eye contact. What was he doing? Gazing in a girl's eye and making metaphors. Next, he knew he'll be writing poems for them. Fuck blue eyes.

"I'll try." She said again in that low voice.

And now every thought of his head forgotten. He gave her his charming smile.
"You're not so stone hearted McKinnon."

"Neither are you Black." She grinned at him.

"Well now I must depart. Rihanna awaits me. A man never goes late a hot date." He took a mock bow and started towards astronomy tower.

Now the whole drama around Prongs life was sorted. Not even close to be sorted he thought afterwards. But at least he did all he could. It wasn't even easy to convince McKinnon, yet he did. It was an accomplishment. Must be celebrated with his date. And Rihanna was a pretty girl. Ebony colored hair, even darker ebony eyes and legs which went forever.
But other than that, he didn't know that much about her. He could know more but he didn't like talking with his dates.

It wasn't as though he was giving any hopes to this girl. She also knew for his impression of lady's man was famous in Hogwarts. They all also wanted same thing). He pulled out the map muttered," I solemnly swear I'm up to no good."

So, the coast was clear. No sign of Filch or Mrs. Norris, good. Has Rihanna arrived there? No. But what is Lily Evans doing in astronomy tower? Maybe waiting for someone. Nah, Sirius thought, bloody unlikely. He couldn't remember the last time she went on date with a boy. And astronomy tower had its reputation. People just don't go there to meet some friend.

'I guess soon enough I'll know' he muttered. Great now he's talking to himself. Whistling he ascended the stairs of astronomy tower.

Astronomy tower was one of the most beautiful parts of Hogwarts. The view of stars and their reflection on the frozen lake. He loved to sit on the edge of stone railings and feel the night sky over him. A great dark starry blanket. But the view was not the reason it was Sirius's favorite spot.

Astronomy tower gave him a liberating feeling. A feeling he not always got. All his family was named after stars, galaxies or constellations. Even though he hated his family, and his family hated him, sometimes he craved for them. Because end of the day, when he saw his friends receiving all the love, affection from their family he felt lost and - even if he would never admit - a little jealous.

So, whenever he sat under the great constellations, he felt a little closer to his hateful family.

There she was, sort of glowing in moonlight, Lily.
She was sleeping peacefully. But he noticed she was frowning and even trembling. Maybe shivering out of cold? But nevertheless, he has to wake her up.

"Hey... Evans wakey, wakey up. Common get up. UP, UP." Sirius smiled mischievously. The last Up was too loud.

"What the hell? I'm here. Oof" Her voice was groggy. She started to sit. Sirius ever a gentleman helped her. He grabbed hold of her shoulders and hauled her up like some doll.

"It's past midnight. I must return to my dorm. God, what I was thinking sleeping here." So clearly now Evans has woken up. But she was making no movement of standing up. Maybe She's still sleepy.

"Do you want me escort you back to common room?" Finally, he asked after waiting for like fifteen minutes.

"No." Too sharp for Sirius's taste. And then gently, "I can go on my own. Perfectly capable. And you see, I'm a prefect. I can be out of common room at this time. What are you doing here?"

He chuckled, she's naive he thought.
"Me? Oh, I am waiting for a girl."

She narrowed her eyes, "I could give you detention for that. But you woke me up. So, I'll let it go this time."

Sirius blinked. Goody two shoes Evans would let him go without detention. But he wasn't going to push his luck.

She got up, dusted off her robes, brushed hair out of her face and was turning to leave. Sirius knew he shouldn't bring up this, but he owes it Prongs. "Hey Evans! James hadn't done this. You should know that."

She turned, her face was glowing in moonlight, her red hair almost looked purple in night sky. It wasn't like she was prettiest girl in Hogwarts, - if Sirius was to bluntly rate her, she would be mediocre - but there was something admirable about her. Maybe the way she carried herself? Nah that couldn't be. Still.
"I don't know Sirius. But some part of me believe even Potter would not stoop to this level. But I can't really say for sure. Anyways bye Sirius, thanks for today." She nodded at him and started to descend.

Sirius was once again surprised. He couldn't even reply back to her. So, somewhere she also believed Prongs wasn't behind it. How many times he had heard her claim that she hated 'Potter' the most. Yet. He shakes his head. Guess that the night was full of surprises. He smiled.

Long after the date with Rihanna when she was gone, he was still in the astronomy tower, gazing at the stars, the sky. He understood why someone would find peace here. Relaxing enough to fall asleep. Imagine the reaction of Prongs when he will tell him events that occurred tonight. Hopelessly romantic Prongs. Not his fault though, Prongs has always seen his parents blissfully in love with each other. Whereas all he had seen is his parents boasting about tradition, honor and their pure blood line.

He looked at the Sirius star. Brightest star in the sky they said.
Does this star also feel lonely in the vast sky? Does this star also feel out of place amongst his own? He wondered.
Does this star shine the brightest only because it burned the most?

Do you like this new chapter?
About time we had a chapter in Sirius's Point of view.
Are you guys also astrophile? Let me know.
Sherry <3

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