To the Marlene we all hate.

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For a few days, an air of tension remained in the girl's dormitory. Even if Marlene had forgiven Lily in her heart, she still wanted to hear an apology. On the other hand, Lily wanted to apologize to Marlene but couldn't bring herself to do so. To be fair Lily had always been the worst when it comes to apologies. And it also gave her an excuse to escape from the squinty eyes of Mary and Marlene. Lily had a suspicion that Mary and Marlene have figured that something is wrong with her.

During this Lily, herself couldn't tell if something was indeed wrong with her or not. As much as she tried, she couldn't remember fainting outside Professor Jones's office. And this process of trying to force her mind was tiring and left her with a terrible headache. One time she had to bite her knuckles to stop herself from crying out of the headache. But other than that, she never felt anything else was different. She never felt weak or faintly. Something fishy was going on but she didn't know how to share it with her friends... well only one friend because currently other one wasn't talking to her.

If there was one relief and that was everyone has moved on from the whole love potion fiasco, mainly because quidditch season was coming up. So once again Lily's life became normal (as normal as it ever could be). But still she hasn't caught the culprit behind that incident and that was also driving her mad. 

As the October was coming to an end everyone - generally everyone - in Hogwarts was excited. Different people had different reasons. The first and second years were excited for the Halloween feast, third years and above were excited for the first Hogsmeade visit of this year and the Gryffindors and the Marauders were excited because of the annual Marauders Halloween party. Needless to say, Lily was dreading it. Not because Lily didn't like parties it was just because at these Marauders parties Lily was the limit.

She had to prohibit the young students from consuming alcohol. She was the one who has to make sure party ended before too late night. She had to take care of her friends making sure they don't do anything stupid. And she hated being the one doing all this.

On the morning of Halloween, the window burst open, and gush of cold air entered.
"Not this year again."
"Fuck it."
"What... oh"
"Someone please close the bloody window."
"Sarah, you do it."
"Why me?"
"Lily, you close it."
"Noooo.. I just fell asleep."

So, Marlene dragged herself out of the bed and picked up the invitations, threw them on the respective beds and closed the window making sure it slams so all the sleeping beauties of girls' dormitory are woken. After hearing the groans from their beds, she smirked in triumph. She fumbled with the envelope of her invitation. 'To the Marlene we all hate' was scrawled on the front of envelope in messy cursive handwriting, must be Remus she guessed. She tore it and scanned the letter.

Dear Marlene,
You are cordially invited to the completely innocent Halloween party.
Venue - One and only Gryffindor common room.
Yours beloved
P.S. It would be highly appreciated if you bring fire whiskey. (any amount is accepted)

She scrunched it up in a ball. Shaking her head she muttered, "Arseholes. The lot of 'em."

"Am I late?" Mary asked innocently.

"No" Lily said with gritted teeth. Both Marlene and Lily glared at Mary. Actually, Mary had left them alone at the Gryffindor table. In those ten minutes that she had gone Lily and Marlene had neither spoken a single word, nor even dared to glance up from their breakfast in fear of catching each other's eyes.

"Knock it off you two. I'm so done." Mary now sat down grabbed the toast and started piling them on her plate. With the buttering knife in her hand, she jabbed it towards Marlene, "You" and now with her knife pointed towards Lily, "And You. Make it up. I don't care."

"Mary don't do this." Lily whined.

"Yes. Stop meddling you nosy bitch." Marlene said taking the knife out of her hand.

"Fine. Behave like kids. Fight for nothing."

"It wasn't nothing." Marlene huffed.

"Oh yeah? So, what Lily said something rude in one of her moods. From when you started holding grudge, huh?"

Marlene lowered her eyes.

Turning towards Lily, Mary continued, "And you Lily. Once in a while you can say sorry and apologize. Or at least try to pretend you care."

Lily looked ashamed of herself.

Taking a deep breath Mary started, "Today is our second last Halloween party at Hogwarts. I don't you guys want to remember that you were fighting that day. I don't think- "

"OKAY. We got it. Hey Lils, I'm sorry."

"How rude! I had this whole speech prepared." Mary pouted.

But Marlene wasn't listening to Mary, she was looking intently at Lily. Lily hasn't uttered a single word and Marlene wasn't sure how she'll take this. After a long pause in which Lily stared at her hands gulping two, three times.

"It's me who should be sorry not you." Lily's voice was so shaky that Marlene could see that she was trying not to cry. "I'm so sorry Marls. I shouldn't have... have. But it's just that I'm going through something."

Marlene scooted closer to Lily and Mary asked, "What is it, Lily?"

With tears now brimming in Lily's eyes, "It's something I can't share or don't know how to share. I guess I have to figure out on my own. But I'll tell you when I'll be ready."

Lily was looking so vulnerable that Marlene didn't have the heart to push her. Maybe that's why Mary (the girl with zero boundaries) also didn't try to force it out of her.

"Cut the crap Mary. I know why you patched things between me and Lily"

"Because I'm awesome?" Mary said smugly.

"Nah you just don't want to feel guilty for ditching us spending the whole party with your Boyfriend."

"I did not."

"Yes, you did."

"I did not. Huh"

"Yes, you did." Now Lily has also joined teasing. And Marlene felt a bit proud of herself. She knew there are certain things which can't be shared. Like Break up of her friendship with James or how things went with Sirius. 

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