What about Davies?

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She opened her eyes to see James and Mary sitting side by side. They were one those pairs she never expected to see here as they have nothing in common.

"She's awake." Marlene tilted her face to see Luke sitting in the foot of her bed.

"How are you feeling sweetie?"

"Mmm I'm okay. A little bit sore." Marlene was overly aware of the pounding in her head and the sting in her right cheek. She tried to move her fingers but realized the mere task was exhausting and just closed her eyes.

"I'll inform madam Promfrey that she has woken up." Marlene watched James walk away.

Luke walked over to her and grabbed her hand, "You frightened me. You know that right?"

"I know." Sweet, sweet Luke. Sitting amongst the gryffindors, cheering for her.

"She frightened us all. From now on you are never going out of my sight." Mary scooped her chair so that her knees were touching the hospital bed. Mary MacDonald was looking a mess, bags under her eyes, hair coming out of her plates. She tried to focus more on details but for now it was a painful task.

"What about Davies?"

"What about him? I'll break up with him if he interferes."

"Oh Mary!" Marlene laughed inspite of herself.

Luke squeezed her hand and brought it to his cheeks as if feeling the warmth.

"Oh you are awake now. Mr. Potter informed me. Is there pain somewhere?"

"No just my head." She tried to move her head and winced in pain.

"Yeah that will there for few more hours. Your bones are being mended, so you might feel weak. Do not leave this bed. I'll come back with potion." Marlene made a face at this but behind Promfrey's back.

"I have Mcgonagall's class right now but I will be back, okay?" Luke bent down to kiss her cheek.

Marlene squeaked a small half hearted 'bye' with a smile she knew was not at all convincing. Marlene always have lived in a big family and at Hogwarts she had so many friends so, the thought of her remaining alone in the hospital wing was a depressing one at best.

"Shit. I have DADA class too. But if you want me here, I'll be with you." But Marlene knew Professor Merryweather was teaching Patronous and Mary was so excited for that class.

"No you should go. I need rest anyway."

Mary gave her a bright smile and rushed out of the hospital wing. Marlene sighed.

All this while James who was standing in a corner came to bedside took the seat previously Mary was occupying.

"You should also go -" But James's expression turned and she realized it came out wrong, "I mean you also have DADA right now. You'll be late."

"I am skiving off. I know everything there is about Patronous." James said with his trademark smirk.

"Have you produced one?"

"No." But his smile was saying otherwise.

Marlene did not know what to say next. But luckily for her James spoke, "You were so careless."

"Yeah I know, I could have cost you the match. I am sorry." Marlene knew that's not what he meant but she was not going to take lectures from him.

"I don't... That's not what I mean. You know that."

In a small voice she admitted, "I know."

"Look Marley, I know I should have said this long long ago but I'm sorry. I am sorry I tried to interfere in your life that was never my intention. Whatever your deal was with Sirius, it's completely your buisness." Marlene was surprised he went there he never even spoke of the whole thing in front of her.

"It's alright. You were right. He had no interest in me. He only wanted a distraction." Marlene looked away. He couldn't handle James's sad expression. It finally felt good to say out loud.

"I'm so sorry Marley. He's not a bad person. It's just some phase he is going through-" She cut him off, "Don't. It was a summer fling. I have accepted it now."

"Okay. Still it was not my place."

Marlene finally looked at him, really looked at him. It felt like she hasn't looked at him properly for these months. Somehow he looked mature just and she realized how she had actually missed him. Tears sprang in her eyes.

"I've missed you. Through all this, I needed you. I needed my best friend."
James smiled, a sad sort of smile.

"I know. I know I've been a prat. I was so scared."

She reached out to his hand, "So people have been telling me. Giving people heart attacks." She chuckled.

"Typical Marley." James chuckled too.

"No I'm not. I am not the same old Marlene. I don't think I ever will be but that's okay."

James closed his eyes and Marlene wondered what he might be thinking. She wondered if Sirius could decipher his every single expression. Marlene has been his friend since she knew anything yet Sirius was his closest friend. Sometimes it felt like they were reading each other's mind. It was not something she was jealous of ever but she was curious as what it was with him that they were so close.

She was lost in her own thought when James said, "You know you can talk to me about anything. Even if I couldn't understand, I would be a good listening ear."

"Yeah you will because you're afraid of me." Marlene knew she had him.

"Why is that?" James asked.

"Well I might hook up with your some other friend. I heard Remus is looking cute these days."

James was not impressed, "Not funny McKinnon."

"You are still here Mr. Potter? No classes to attend."

"No Miss Promfrey." He said all too innocently.

"Shall I confirm this with Minerva?"

"Please let me stay with her. We just made up. You see-"

"No off you go. Or I shall inform your house head."

"Okay." James sighed. Marlene smiled at him and they both did their old dorky handshake.

"Here you go dear." Marlene drank the potion offered by the nurse.

Soon she was left alone. But she felt lighter than she had felt in months and she even summoned some of Lily's books and tried reading them. All of the covers looked boring and none of the people in covers were moving. She gave up on them and tried to sleep. It's going to be long 2 days.

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