The very same.

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"Augmenti." James vaguely heard this in his sleep and the next thing he knew he was splashed on his face with a thick torrent of water. He spluttered trying to say something. He could hear the bark-like laughter coming from a distance. Very maturely he tried to shield his face from the torrent of water.

"Enough boys." With a quick flick of Dorea Potter's wand, the water ceased. "I'm sure James learned his lesson."

"I don't think he'll remember it, Mrs. Potter." The git snickered.

"I don't doubt that. But I guess you'll come up with something more creative then."

Great now his own Mum and git of best friend has teamed up. What a way to start the day! He had barely gotten few hours of sleep. His clothes are drenched, and the world is still blurry because he couldn't find his glasses.

His mum must have seen him scrambling for his glasses. She accioed it towards him.

"I'll just dry you up. You don't have time for shower. We have leave for Hogwarts now."

"My suggestion is to leave him drenched, Mrs. Potter."

Dorea just smirked at Sirius but dried him anyway. He thought of telling him where he should shove his idea but one look at his Mum and he decided against it.

"Change your clothes in five minutes. The girls are already ready." She started towards the door. Just before closing the door, she looked at Sirius, "Sirius come along with me, I want to know something. Is the red-haired girl downstairs the same girl we talked about?"

Sirius replied, "The very same."

James groaned, "What have you told her about Evans?"

"Nothing." His mum and Sirius replied at the same time, too innocently.

"Whatever you do, don't embarrass me. Please." He all but begged.

"I wouldn't dream of it dear." She ensured in a very serious tone but the glint in her eyes said otherwise. They left him to change. He dressed, tried to manage his hair but it never relented, so he messed his hair even more.

This day couldn't get any worse.

When he came downstairs, he saw them talking. Lily and his Mum. Talking. The mortification.

"What are you guys talking about?" He said giving his Mum a meaningful look.

"Nothing dear. Just getting to know Marlene's friends. I had never met them before, so." A sweet smile played on her lips, but James knew his Mum too well to be fooled by it. He glared at her.

"It was pleasure meeting you, Miss Evans. Not the circumstances I thought I'd meet you in. But nevertheless." James could feel heat rising on his cheeks. Why has she had to add the second line?

Lily gave her a confused smile as finally his mother departed.

"I'm sorry that you had to endure her." He said turning towards her.

But Evans shook her head, "What are you apologizing for? She's very sweet and I got to know so much about her auror days."

"Believe me it's all an act." He spoke. She laughed at this. He ran a hand through his hair finding some strands were still wet. He contemplated using a drying spell or leaving it as it is but at that moment, he realized who he was standing with. The one person who hated this act of his. He waited for lecture about how he always tries to make his hair look like he was just ridden a broom. But it never came because she was staring (?) at someplace near his neck. Her mouth was open as if she was about to say something. Subconsciously he felt his neck with his hand to find few drops of water running.

OPPOSITE FORCES, A Jily Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now