Lily, are you alright?

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Tap... Tap... Tap...
She was so bloody exhausted. Sleep was not so easy days. Was it ever easy for her? No. Though these days it was taking a toll on her.
So, what she was doing in the library instead of resting in her dorms? Well, that's a good question.

Tap... Tap... Tap...
Trying to escape reality was easier said than done. In the past whenever things got complicated around her, she drowned herself in a book. It gave her peace and kept her mind busy enough for them not to overthink and overanalyze. But today it wasn't working for her. The words blurred before her eyes, and she had to read a sentence two to three times to maintain concentration.

Tap... Tap... Tap...
She had anticipated the stares and whispers would end in one or two days. But here she was, a week later (a very long week), hiding in the library. Guess that's what happens when you make a huge spectacle in front of everyone. And at Hogwarts rumors travelled very fast. So apparently everyone knew that she was given love potion by someone. Few even believed she took the potion herself to attract the attention of Potter for he wasn't following her anymore. At first, she was furious beyond measure. She glared at everyone especially Potter and his cronies (which was a very different story altogether). She didn't even had patience for her friends who were trying very hard to be helpful. But they can't understand, can they?

Tap... Tap... 
"Can you please stop tapping four feet? I don't intend to be rude or anything but it's bloody irritating."
She gave him a look. He was in her year, a Ravenclaw prefect. Luke or Lucas, she doesn't remember. She glared at him. She should tell him what is irritating, HIS BLOODY VOICE. But she refrained herself as he had taken his books in his arms and was walking away.

People Ugh. She hated people (which she would obviously disagree on a good day). Why there are so many people everywhere in Hogwarts?

Just like yesterday Potter had come to her to talk about something (she is sure what that something is). Her friends came to rescue her
"Jeez James haven't you done enough? Apologies now won't change anything. " Marlene said frowning. Amongst all her friends Marlene was the most furious. After all, at one point Potter was her best friend. And they had this huge fight after which they stopped being friends.

" I'm not talking to you." He said to her coolly. He turned to lily gave her an approachable look.
But Lily just gave him icy glare. And he left.

Truthfully, she was avoiding any confrontations with him. During their last prefect rounds Remus had explained her how Potter couldn't have done anything, how this is something even Potter doesn't consider funny. But she was lost. She didn't know what to think right now. She hadn't come to terms of that incident. She has humiliated herself in front of whole school. How she acted during... aah She again has started to overthink. Her head was still too painful. Even thinking about it made her head throb.

She angrily closed her book and held her head in hands. Why so much is happening this year?
First all with her former best friend Snape, then summer incident with Petunia, all those insomniac nights and now this. Why?
Lately she has started to feel sorry for herself. She couldn't help it. With so much going around she was fucking tired of everything.

"Lily, are you alright?"

Great what she really needed, Severus Snape.

"I'm fine. Actually, more than fine. Why are you concerning yourself with the health of a mud blood?" She noticed that he flinched at the M-word. It gave her strange sense of satisfaction.

"You know I never meant that word. But anyway, you really don't look fine. I saw what happened that day. And even I heard rumors. Clearly Potter is behind these things. I know he would pull a stunt like this. Insolent ..."

But she didn't let him finish the sentence. She had enough of his complaints these five years. Clearly, she wasn't alright. But no, he had to make it about him. Potter this, Potter that.
"Enough Severus. You don't need concern yourself with these things. We are not friends anymore. So please Severus. " She had gathered all her books, quills and parchment. With not even giving a glance at him she stalked out of library.

She went to astronomy tower. Luckily it was empty. October night air was cool, and she wasn't even wearing any warm clothes. But it was perfect. Whether it was the sight of night stars or cool breeze on face, it was clearing her mind. Soothing. Slowly she sat down and pressed her head on the stone floor of Hogwarts. She was tired. She just needed a moment to relax, breathe.  She closed her eyes. She didn't realize when, but she dozed off.

And that is how a certain dark-haired wizard would find her. Sleeping on floor of astronomy tower. Her hair all messed up and spread over her face, frowning even her sleep.


Hey guys! How are you?
Hopefully safe and healthy. Don't forget to take all precautions and obviously don't forget your masks.
How was this new chapter?
And I'm sorry for these small chapters but hopefully the length of the chapters will increase. Right now, story is just unfolding itself.

Love to all
Sherry <3

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