Prongs, It's not your fault.

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When he entered the hospital wing, it was then he noticed how sore his shoulders and arms felt. The game had gone on for three hours and included the amount of work he had to do on the field to cover for Marlene and the new chaser, he was not even sure how he could carry her. As Madam Promfrey rushed and quickly magicked her out of his arms into the bed, he realized that he could have levitated her to the Hospital Wing. There was blood all over his robes and he stared at them as his other teammates came in the hospital wing.

The case must have been quite serious as Madam Promfey did not even try to shoo everyone out. After a few minutes, so many people were rushing in that finally, madam broke away from Marlene, drew her curtain shut, and came out to order everyone out of the Hospital wing.

"We will go, but how is she?" MacDonald spoke. When did she come here? James looked up to see that all his friends, MacDonald, Evans, and Luke were standing with him.

Madam Promfrey sighed and answered, "Listen she has broken several bones, her skull is alright, but she might have a concussion along with severe intoxication. Honestly where these students are getting their supply of alcohol in this school?' As none of them made any movement to go, she said, "She will be fine. She might have to rest for a few days here."

All of them silently started to walk towards the staircase. It was Evans who broke the silence first, "What exactly happened Potter?"

James gathered his breath and thought for a minute or so, "It all happened so fast. Bloody hell. We all were landing when I heard a quiet gasp, I turned towards the sound and saw her hurling towards ground. There was so much blood, she was covered in it."

Remus patted his shoulder, "It's alright James. She will be fine."

Mary was teary eyed, and her voice shook as she said, "How could she be so irresponsible, how were we so irresponsible? She was in no state to play, we still let her."

His exhaustion, guilt along with a very recent memory of Mckinion funeral started to overwhelm him. He closed his eyes and leaned on the stairs for support.

Sirius came beside him, held his shoulders and he was thankful for his support.

They started walking again and reached the common room. Common rom was decorated for their win celebration. But no one was celebrating, everyone just went back to their dorms. James quickly extracted his cloak and draped it over his body.

"Moony where is the map?"

"I have the map."

"Give me Padfoot. I have to go to somewhere."

"He will give you the map only when you have showered and sorted your head." Remus spoke with a stern look almost like a professor and James couldn't argue even he wanted to.

After the shower and he was feeling a little better. He had convinced himself it was just an injury and she will be fine. She is not going anywhere anytime soon. Certainly when they were fighting and not even talking to each other. Still he wanted to see it with his own eyes that she was alright.

"Do I now have the permission to go?"

Remus sighed.

Sirius shrugged on his cloak, "I'm coming with you. I have the map."

James would have loved to go alone but probably Sirius presence was a good thing. He would be good at distracting him.

They stood in the empty gryffindor common room. He whispered, "I solemnly swear I'm upto no good."

After checking no one was on the route to the secret passway. He quickly closed the map and hannded it over to Sirius.

They started walking silently and Sirius spoke, his voice barely above whisper, "Prongs, it's not your fault."

"Mrs. McKinnon told me to keep an eye on her. I didn't notice that she was drinking away her problems. And - And she collapsed in front of me. If I was still on my broom, maybe I would have caught her before the impact."

The passage was dark and James was thankful for it. Somehow admitting all these felt less humiliating in dark where he couldn't see Sirius's expression.

"These are all what ifs. You couldn't have done anything."

"Maybe I would have. Atleast I should have tried to make amends with her."

Sirius did not spoke anything but pulled him into a hug. James closed his eyes and thought about the fight he had with her in the summer.

When Sirius let go of him he felt a little better. As they were coming very near to the opening of hospital wing he again opened the map to check.

Curiously madam Promfrey was in her quarters but there was another name in the hospital wing, Lily Evans.

He showed this name to Sirius who shrugged and suggested him to continue. Worst she could do was give them detention and she herself was out of bed, so that was out of question.

He hid his invisibility cloak inside his robe. They quietly entered the hospital wing. There was only one student there today which they were thankful for.

Evans quickly gasped as she realized some else was there, realizing it was them she covered her shock by suspicion.

Sirius hung back near the door to keep an eye out and he went near her bed.

Marlene looked as if she was sleeping. The blood was removed and her bones were mended. Aside from little pale look to her, she looked alright. Relif flooded his body.

Evans came beside him, "She's going to be okay. She had woken up few minutes before but madame Promfrey gave her a sleeping potion."

"How long?" He nodded at her.

"Not long. I was doing my prefects round and decided to check on her. Let's go back to common room."

"No. I'm not going anywhere, you should go."

Lily signaled Sirius to come, "Tell him to go back. He isn't listening."

"He never listens." Sirius smirked.

"I'm not a dog. My job isn't listening unlike someone here." Evans looked confused so he turned to her, "I can assure you I am not upto no good. I am only here for her."

"It's not why - " Lily took a deep breath, "You need to rest, both of you. She isn't going to wake before morning."

James was not in a state to see logic in those words. But he realized, he could easily sneak back here so what's the point in arguing?

"If anyone sees us, I will tell them you are covering for Remus okay? And Sirius you are returning after detention."

James looked at Sirius, they could easily go back through the passage they came from but Mrs. Norris like to hide in that passage. They would have to risk that passage and the map to check on the damned cat to back through that passage easily.

They both nodded at each other, decided and then nodded at Lily. It wasn't a good plan but if anything went south, they could easily blame her for it.

OPPOSITE FORCES, A Jily Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now