I Love You James Potter

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Lily Evans was never considered an ordinary person or a witch. People always looked up to her. Her extraordinary talent in magic, her instinct to nurture everyone, her kindness, and her habit of taking care of everyone around her made her stand out from the crowd. People around her considered her flawless and thought that she was beautiful inside out. Not everyone thought good of her, but their views really didn't matter. But if you think it really sums her up, then you are wrong. Because Lily Evans was really something else.

She was hurriedly applying makeup to cover up the dark circles under her eyes which today stood out a bit more than any other day. ' Well, this is what happens when you get addicted to Jane Austen ' she thought in her head. Lily Evans was really very late. She was not the sort of person who tend to go late to her first potion class of this session. Potion was the subject where she excelled easily and was one of the best in that class. But same thought was not shared by her friends, Marlene McKinnon and Mary Macdonald who had not opted for Potions for their NEWTS. Apart from them she had two more dorm mates Sarah Vance and Cleopatra Brown. It was not as though Sarah and Cleopatra were not her friends, they were but they liked to hang out with Sarah's twin sister Emily who was a Ravenclaw herself.

She cursed in her mind. Her so-called best friends had left her sleeping and went to breakfast. She woke up to find whole dorm empty. She had 15 mins to shower, change and yeah apply makeup because she can't go to class looking like that. 'Err. Right now, I look like part zombie' she thought with a grimace. She really wanted to punch every single person who ever said that she was beautiful because right now she wasn't feeling beautiful.

She really hated those people who created a false image of her in their mind, the image of a perfect girl. She felt as though people expected too much from her and she wouldn't be able to live up to them. She lacked confidence, she wasn't too good in defense against dark arts, she was never able to control her feelings. She was short tempered (she did not accept it. According to her she gets a bit more frustrated than others because of the irritating people around her) .

Her gaze fell upon the earrings on the table. The earring was long silver chain with little bob of crystal hanging at the end. It was a pretty thing only that's why she kept it with her, she convinced herself, it had nothing to do with the fact it belonged to Tuney. Petunia Evans soon to be Dursley was Lily Evans's elder sister. She closed her train of thoughts because it always led her to feel sad, lonely and (after that earing incident) guilty.

She brushed tears that welled up in her eyes, slung bag over her shoulders and rushed to dungeons to reach potions classroom. She arrived at potions classroom, out of breath, panting heavily (she really need exercise she thought) to find classroom packed with NEWT students of all houses.

"Sorry professor I overslept" She kept her eyes on floor not meeting professor's eyes. It was her nervous habit.

Professor Slughorn looked at her with a fond smile " No problem my dear, I just started explaining theory, don't worry." He looked at front of the class and said "Now identify this potion"

Lily took her seat with Emily Vance looked sideways towards James Potter and Sirius Black, they were goofing off as always, 'immature prats' she thought in her head.

Potion class passed in a blur and as usual Lily and Snape completed their potion first. She reached Great Hall without thankfully any encounter with Snape. Thinking about Snape hurt her so much, the wound was still raw and fresh. After all, only three months have passed since he called her mudblood . She shuddered at the memory.

"What's on your mind Lils? You are looking awfully pale."

"Nothing" She remembered about today's morning and glared at the speaker. "Now you remember you have a friend whom you forgot to rouse in the morning. Oh God!! I am so hungry I didn't had time for breakfast. I'll get back to you Marls, you just wait."

Marlene looked sheepish " I thought you needed this sleep Lils. You haven't been sleeping enough lately. " She smiled at Lily.

Lily couldn't help but smile at her. Marlene is the best at taking care of everyone, she was like mother hen of the group.

She drummed her fingers on the table as she waited for the lunch to appear.

"Look Mary joined us from divination" Marlene said, excited to see her best friend as they didn't had class together. Marlene had care of magical creatures and Mary had divination.

"Hey, you don't know what happened, that bloke from Ravenclaw asked......"
Mary hurriedly started gushing about all the gossips she heard during the class. As much as she loved her two friends, she sometimes thought she really didn't fit with them. Mary and Marlene were always best friends. During her initial years of Hogwarts this thought never bothered her because she had Severus. But now after that incident she felt lonely even in the company of her friends.

She looked around to distract herself from these depressing thoughts which were coming too often lately. 'I think it's because I am hungry right now.' she thought in her head. Her eyes fell upon the marauders. Something about them appeared odd. They were sitting too innocently.

Potter was eating bread without even looking up from his plate. Black was not as usually flirting with someone... He was sitting idly looking at Ravenclaw table. Remus was reading a book. Pettigrew was shoveling everything he could into his mouth. They were not talking with each other or anybody else. They looked too innocent, and Lily just knew they were up to something.

"Weren't you very hungry a minute before? If you have done staring at Potter, start eating." Marls asked teasingly. Mary sniggered behind her.

Lily gave her a look and spoke, "I wasn't staring at Potter, I was looking at them, look they are acting odd they are clearly up to something." she narrowed her eyes at them. But she would worry about that later, right now all that mattered was food.

She grabbed her goblet of pumpkin juice drank it in one go.

"Of course, you weren't looking at Potter, it's always other way around, isn't it?"

She was about to argue with Mary, but a funny feeling came to her. Oh!! How has she never noticed him... He's so handsome, so incredible. So...

"Earth to Lils" Mary waved a hand in front of her face after seeing her glassy expression.

But Lily was busy thinking about him. About capturing him in her arms and saying that she loved him. Her heart fluttered.
"Do you think he likes me?"

Marlene raised her eyebrows at Mary and asked, "Who?"

Lily blushed deep red, and her expression became giddy "Him. I mean he has asked me out few times. But I don't know if he likes me. What if he doesn't? I love him. I can't live without him. Oh! I want him so much."

"You're frightening me Lils. What happened?" Mary asked her but she wasn't listening to any of it, she kept on saying "He's so beautiful, so thoughtful, oh I love him"

Marlene looked at Mary with a concerned expression, "Mary is she sick or something?"

"I don't know Marls. I mean lack of food can't actually make her mad like she is behaving"

"I think somebody spiked her drink; she started behaving weirdly after drinking that." A new voice said behind Mary. Mary turned to see Alice Prewett a seventh year and newly made Head girl. "Give me that goblet, let me see what's in it"

Alice was a highly observing person. She observed every little detail about everyone around her. Mary obliged and gave her the goblet. Mary and Marlene were looking at her with fearful expression.

Alice sniffed the goblet and said, "It's Amorentia". Upon seeing confused expression of Mary and Marlene she explained, "It's a love potion."

Just before they could give any reaction, they heard Lily clearing her throat. Her clearing of throat wasn't surprising, but that sound echoed through the great hall was surprising enough. They turned to look at Lily who was now somehow standing on the Dining table looking at James with a lovesick expression. Whole great hall had fallen silent, even teachers were looking at her curiously. Upon seeing James eyes on her, her smile broadened, her eyes light up.

Lily held her wand like a Mike and said... "I love you.... You're so perfect. So handsome! I don't know whether you like me or not... But I love you with all my heart. Oh, my moon! I want to kiss you right now..." Upon seeing his confused expression, she yelled "I LOVE YOU, JAMES POTTER"

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