He felt a hand on his shoulder, he knew it was Claire as he had seen him walk to him as soon he gained his attention, but Blue's eyes didn't move away from the dancing couple in front of him. Or rather the hands over the skin only he and Aiden can touch.

A new wave of possessiveness rolled over him and he didn't even realise he was shaking until Claire's voice broke the trance.

"Don't end up killing him now." Claire whispered in Blue's ear making him break out of his trance and he turned to look at Claire.

Hearing Claire's words Blue's eyes moved back to Aly again who was still dancing while smiling so effortlessly as if she was actually so happy. As if she didn't just ignore Blue the entire morning.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked and he saw the way Claire flinched at the aggressiveness in his voice. It turned harsh at the end.

"We were just here to meet her when she said she was in a mood for some dancing, said she wanted to clear her head, so there they are, chill dude!" Claire tried but the tensed muscle over Blue's jaw remained the same.

The thing that surprised him the most was how Aly was ignoring him still, he knows she saw him because Nick did too, he even smiled at Blue but Blue remained unsmiling.

He was so weirded out by his reaction that he just turned around and walked out of the room,
"Have fun then!" He had said to Claire before he left.


Aly walked outside the lift towards her office breathing heavily at the amount of exercise she did today.

Of course, she expected Blue to be sitting at her office already but she didn't spare him a single glance as she walked to the closet in her office and pulled out her morning clothes completely ignoring the presence of the man sitting on the couch.

She was about to walk into the washroom when she felt arms around her waist from behind and then she was pulled backwards to Blue's hard chest,
"Are you still not going to talk to me?" He asked her softly as he kept his chin over her shoulder.

She again remained silent and looked straight ahead at the door of the washroom.

Blue's hands moved and Aly found herself being twirled around, she however still didn't focus her eyes on his and kept looking at the glass window.

"Al please talk to me?" He whispered to her gently as he pressed a kiss to the side of her neck.

Aly tried not to react despite the feeling in her core and closed her eyes.

Blue placed another kiss over her cheek and then her eyes,
"Lovebug?" He called out to her desperately as he held her face in his hand and turned it towards him.

She still didn't open her eyes and squeezed them to keep them closed. Blue however didn't stop, he kept pressing soft kisses all over her neck to try to get her to talk.

He picked up a remote and pushed a button to close the main door of her office and draw the curtains as well, before his focus went back to his sulking girlfriend.

He gently held the hem of her top and kissed her nose whispering,
"May I?" He asked and was happy to see the tiny nod Aly gave him.

With that, he lifted the top over her head and discarded it on a chair. Aly couldn't control the gasp as she felt Blue's warm lips over her chest just above her bra.

She opened her eyes and looked up knowing well what her boyfriend was doing but enjoying it at the same time.

"Am sorry lovebug." Blue whispered, his eyes stuck to Aly's face as he removed her bra with a single hand in a snap and freed his favourite pale globes.

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