Another Lifetime| Central Cee

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Trigger warning: bittersweet/kinda sad but worth it

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Trigger warning: bittersweet/kinda sad but worth it.

Y/N bounced her leg up and down as she nervously watched the waitress pour her coffee. The restaurant was empty this time of morning. The sun had barely risen and the birds weren't even chirping yet.

The door opened with a quick chime of a bell. Y/N's eyes sparkled as he approached the table. Oakley cleared his throat and sat down in front of her.

"Hey." She said looking into her coffee cup.


Y/N looked up from the dark liquid and stared at the man in front of her. Oakley pulled the strings of his hoodie tighter covering his curls.

"I's a menu if you want to order anything." Y/N nervously passed the menu in front of him.

"Nah I'm not hungry right now but thank you." Oakley looked around the restaurant they used to frequent as teens.

Y/N held the hot cup in front of her, "This place still looks the same doesn't it?"

Her question made him smile, the ends of his mouth curved easily, "Yeah. I remember we sat at that booth over there. I carved your initial in the wood."

Y/N laughed feeling the tears rise in her eyes, "Yeah. I want to thank you for coming."

Her eyes flicked to the engagement ring on his finger as she continued, "I know the wedding is soon but I wanted to talk to you before...everything."

Oakley's eyes darkened at her words, "Y/N, we haven't spoken in months. I mean when you called I was surprised."

She nodded adding sugar to her cup. The thick packets between her fingers kept her grounded, "I know. But this needed to be said."

He was silent allowing her to continue.

Y/N leaned back in her booth, "I know we haven't really been flowing as of recently but I just wanted to say that I'll always love you. No matter what, I'm here for you. I know there's no going back but how I feel about you will never ease."

His adams apple bobbed as he took in her words, "Y/N."

"Wait let me finish. We're divinely connected and I know you try to ignore that feeling but I'll always know that. No matter where we end up I'll always feel you. Okay?"

Y/N watched as he exhaled releasing obvious tension in his body. She jumped when he reached out to hold her hand across the table.

His pale fingers traced hers interlocking their hands, "I've always known that Y/N."

Thirty minutes later, breakfast plates slide in front of them. Y/N's stomach growled at the sight of her French toast sticks and Hashbrowns.

"I remember the first time I saw you when we were in primary school."

Oakley soaked his pancakes in syrup laughing, "Yeah. You walked up to my table and asked me to be your 'boyfriend'."

Y/N covered her face with her hands, "Ughh don't remind me."

"It was cute though. We talked on the phone everyday for a year."

"Until you moved away."

Y/N sighed cutting into her plate, "The next time we saw each other you're hair was down your back. I thought you were a girl."

"You rushed me on the train and then I realized it was you, Y/N. Always bossy."

She squinted her eyes at him, "I was bossy because the girl on your arm made my mouth tick."

He scoffed smiling at her, "Yo, remember when we went skating with your brother?"

"I fell like three times but we skated to my favorite song."

Oakley quietly tapped the beat of her favorite song on the table, "Our first date was cool though."

She rolled her eyes, "Your mom forced you to take me out."

He shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah but in the end I knew you were the one in that moment."

Her stomach dropped when looked down at his plate, "Unfortunately I was a coward and ghosted you."

Y/N's jaw ticked, "That's old news though. You apologized. Plus we were sixteen."

"Nah nah. I was childish and immature. I ain't realize that until you pulled me up on it years later."

Y/N chewed on her food, "I was at one of your concerts. I wasn't planning on talking to you but you saw me. Next thing I know I'm in your dressing room. Words were exchanged but we're good now."

He smiled wiping his face, "I got you, now and forever."

Y/N inhaled his scent trying to memorize it forever. He let her go looking down at her cherishing their final hug. Oakley tried not to let his emotions show but she was pulling on his heart strings.

Her chest felt lighter now that her truth was spoken. Y/N let the tears flow as she watched him. Images of their experiences together crossed her mind. Their first kiss, the first time he sung for her, her college graduation and so on.

He kissed her cheek, "Maybe in another lifetime we can try again?"

Y/N smiled wiping her eyes, "See you next lifetime. This time don't run from it."

Oakley walked backwards to his car clicking the keys, "I won't!"

Authors Note:

Bro i wrote this when i was in deep thought about someone I should've been endgame with but he fucked it all up a long time ago. Like I'm planning on calling him and setting up a meeting but idk.

Anyways, vote and comment!

I really like this one so enjoyyyyy!

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