The Drunken Escapades of a Hokage and her Assistant!

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Tsunade was doing some more paperwork, and she began to fall asleep.

Tsunade: Okay, just a bit more, and then you can take a nap. Keep yourself awake, Tsunade.

She put clothespins on her eyelids to keep them open and tried to keep working over and over on wash new paper.

A few minutes later...

Shizune finds Tsunade sleeping on the desk, with her feet up, and her jacket leaning on the chair.

Shizune: Ugh! Not this again! HEY!! LADY TSUNADE!!

Tsunade: ZZZZZZZZ!

Shizune: Oh for crying out loud.

She started tickling Tsunade's right foot.

Tsunade: Hahahahaha! OKAY! I'm up!

Shizune: I'm watching you from now on. You're not falling asleep until you finish!

Tsunade: But this is so boring!

Shizune: Yeah. It's called work!

Tsunade: But don't you want to have some fun?

Shizune: Ugh. What would your grandfather say if he saw you?

Tsunade: He wasn't a serious man all the time you know. Even with all the power he had. Hmm ... I GOT IT! The perfect man to finish this!


Kakashi was stuck doing the job now.

Kakashi: Why did I get work on my day off of all the days?

He started getting to work, while nervously trying to ignore his book nearby.

Back with Tsunade and Shizune...

The two were drinking sake, eating takoyaki, and lying down together on your bed.

Shizune: HIC! You're right. We should be doing this more often.

Tsunade: You need to listen to me more often. HIC!!

Shizune: I agree! YUMMY!!

She shoves so many takoyaki into her mouth.

And then Tsunade starts dumping a lot of sake into the bottle and poured it down Shizune's mouth.

(Y/N): How much more are you two going to-

Tsunade and Shizune: AAGH! (Y/N)!

They fell off the bed and onto each other.

(Y/N): I was wondering why I saw Kakashi who had his head sparking from all that paperwork.

Shizune: It was Lady Tsunade's idea!

Tsunade: Trai-

You kissed your wives.

(Y/N): Next time you try to take a break, just announce it to me. Okay?

Girls: Okay.

They kissed you back.

And then they collapsed drunk.

(Y/N): HAHAHAHA! They're so cute when they're drunk.

Shounen Hero Book 10!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora