Hunt for the Beanstar Pieces (Part 2!!)

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Beanstar Piece 3...

Everyone returned to Chucklehuck Woods according to Prince Peasley's directions, and-

You noticed Popple dancing with the Beanstar piece.

(Y/N): Not him again.

Jack and Twilight: Popple?

(Y/N): Yep.

Blake: That guy doesn't give up.


Pinkie: Yeah, well you don't have your rookie with you.

Popple: That may be true, but I can still fight!

He takes out a big bag and-

He's packing bombs.


Weiss: You're joking right?

Popple: EAT THIS!

He starts tossing the Bob-Ombs!


Everyone: WOAH!!

Popple: HAHAHAHAHA! Revenge is sweet, see!!

(Y/N): Water Nebula.

You used a Water Spell.

Jack: Isn't that one of Juvia's spells?

(Y/N): Yeah, I figured I should try using some.

Rarity: Too bad she isn't here. Knowing her, she's get excited.

(Y/N): Yeah, and she would glomp me, get me wet, and try and pull off my pants, and- God I love her.

Popple: It's not over yet, see! I GOT- I GOT KNIVES!!

He threw one, but it didn't go far.

Popple: Out of ... knives.

Everyone: PISS OFF!!

You all beat him up, and send him flying!


He also dropped the Beanstar piece.

(Y/N): Only one more left!

Beanstar Piece 4...

You guys arrive near a theater and some mini guy who sounds like a certain Chinese restaurant owner comes in!

Servant: Hey! What's up with you peasants?! You can't just waltz up and start talking to my master! You weasels! Look at you! There's no doubt in my mind that you've come looking for money! Well, I'll have you know that my master is very busy! He doesn't have time to waste on the likes of you! Be off! OFF, I say!

Rainbow: Yang? Shall we beat this guy until all of his teeth are gone?

Yang crackled her knuckles.

Yang: With pleasure.

He began to get scared.

Servant: O M-Master! Master! You mustn't listen! You can't listen! All of this talk is just meant to swindle you out of your money again! It's all lies! LIIIIIIES!!

His master, who looks like Bubbles, but younger and in a Yoshi Egg, and he hits his servant!

???: IDIOT!! Sorry about him.

Everyone: BUBBLES?!

???: Bubbles? Oh you mean my brother! I'm Boddle. Younger brother of the legendary soda maker. As you can see, I'm rich enough to own my own theater. I also happen to be president of the Yoshi Fan Club.

Ruby and Fluttershy: EEEEEEE! YOSHIS!!

Servant: This theater was designed by a Yoshi-loving chap specifically for the enjoyment of the Yoshis.

(Y/N): Yeah, well-

You point to his sign which has the Beanstar piece.

(Y/N): We need that. It's a piece of the Beanstar.

Boddle: I suppose I could decorate the sign with something else and give that sparkly thing to you... but you need to help me first.

(Y/N): What you need? Money?

Boddle: No, I need Neon Eggs! The Yoshi's can only hatch them from eating certain fruit. Just see what you can do, and if you help me decorate this sign-

(Y/N): On it!


You got as much fruit as you can and fed them to the Yoshi's, who all ate and hatched Neon Eggs like crazy!

(Y/N): New Beanstar Piece, and-

The Beanstar reforms!

Everyone: ALRIGHT!!

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