Queen Bean Corrupted!!/The Shadow Thief, Popple!

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Blabanadon brought you guys down to the castle.

Blabanadon: Good luck!

(Y/N): Thanks Bla- Blaban- Blabana- Mr. Pterodactyl!

Two guards stood by the entrance to the castle.

Guard: Halt! You there! Halt! You can't just waltz on in here! The town has just been attacked! This means the castle could be attacked at any moment!!! Lady Lima has instructed us not to allow anyone to enter the castle! Anyone whatsoever! Having said that, if you still wish to enter, you must explain your names and your motives!

(Y/N): Hey, do you know who I am? I'm (Y/N) (L/N)!



(Y/N): Yep!

Guards: WOW!!

Guard: Hey, are you sure this guy is (Y/N)?

Guard 2: Shhh, I'm not sure.

(Y/N): Uh ... I can hear you, you know.

Guard: Regardless of all that nonsense, you may not enter! Now begone!

Pinkie: You know, we just so happen to know Prince Peasley. For example-

(Y/N): Oh yeah!

You take out the rose!

Guard: Prince Peasley's Rose!

Guard 2: You all are friends of the Prince?

Jack: Hey; my bro saved his life!

Guards: REALLY?!

They step aside.

Guards: Enter as you wish.

Rarity: Finally, we're getting somewhere.

(Y/N): You said it Rares!

Inside the Castle...

???: Ah, Master (Y/N), you've arrived.

An old lady appeared.

An old lady appeared

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Jack: Uh ... and you are, Haggy?

Lady Lima: I am Lady Lima, the highest of the ladies at court...The gatekeepers told me of you.

(Y/N): A pleasure your Ladyship. We must speak to the Queen!

Ruby: Yeah! This evil witch named Cackletta and her sidekick, Fawful are up to no good!

Lady Lima: Hmph! You really think that I'm supposed to stay and listen to you all? I must act on the safety of the Queen!

She pressed a button, which dropped you guys into a pit, leading to the catacombs!

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