Valorous Roland!

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A mountain cave on the outskirts of Ostia. Here, a sacred weapon lies waiting, the seal guarding it broken. However, to retrieve the weapon, one must pass a trial. A long, seemingly uncrossable distance... You will have to deal with this trial with your party by your side!

At Dragon's Gate...

Nergal: Ah, sweet Ninian. This time, you will open the gate.

Ninian: .....

Nergal: So you intend to resist me to the end? You only joined me to postpone your own friends's deaths, did you? You never had any intention of offering your aid freely?

Ninian: .....

Nergal: Heh heh heh... Whether you wish it or not, it is all the same to me. I will call forth a dragon and claim its quintessence. I will harness a power never before seen on this world. And I will become this world's master. That is my desire. Ninian, you are but a tool to help me achieve that end.

Ninian: ..... I will never help you.

Nergal: You are truly amusing. My dear, I am not looking for your consent. You are weak, and I am strong. You will bend before me.

Ninian: No!

Nergal: It's the same as when I sacrificed Eliwood's father. With enough energy, I do not need your acquiescence. Come, Ninian. Open the gate!

Ninian: NO! NOOOOO!

She begins to transform into-

She begins to transform into-

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Nergal: So, at last... Your true form... is liberated. Hmph. To where do you hope to run, beast? You'll never be human. Why do you cling to them so? What would (Y/N) say if he saw your hideous form? Ninian, for one such as you, there will never be a place you can call your home!

At the Sealed Lava Cave...

(Y/N): Well, this is interesting.

Athos: The weapons we wielded contained great strength. Power fearsome enough to cut down dragons... Today, the might in those remaining weapons is not what it once was. Yet they have been safeguarded to keep them from evil hands. This place... No one's stepped foot in here since Roland's death. Roland's presence still fills the air. All that reside here now are former soldiers who guard the sword. This is your trial, (Y/N). A few of you may enter, but only you can approach the altar. Go and prove that you have the strength to wield Durandal!

(Y/N): No. I'll do this myself.

You go forward.


Several soldiers appear.

Soldier: I ... am ... one of ... Sir Roland's .... warriors. You ... trespass here ... and ... I will ... cut ... you down.

You take on all the soldiers, and of course, you come out on top.

(Y/N): You can all rest now.

Athos then appeared.

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