Best Paras Battle Ever!!

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You and Misty soon found yourselves in a forest where many mushrooms and small Pokemon were greatly lined. Two voices were heard nearby. 

???: My Paras is going to win! 

???2: Please, my Ditto can down that wimp any day of the week! 

(Y/N): You smell that Misty? 

Misty: Smell what? 

(Y/N): It smells like an adventure! 

Misty: That was super cheesy, and you know it. 

You followed the source of the argument and came across two cute ladies who were arguing over their Pokemon, instead of their Pokemon fighting for them. 

(Y/N): Easy, ladies. Please, let's all calm down and figure out what exactly is the root of the problem. 

???: I'm saying that my Paras can take down her Ditto! The original is obviously the strongest one! 

???: I'm saying that my Paras can take down her Ditto! The original is obviously the strongest one! 

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???2: And I'm saying that my Ditto can take down her Paras! It's super weak! 

(Y/N): Okay .. Ms ... and Ms.- 

Cassandra: I'm Cassandra. 

Duplica: And I'm Duplica. 

(Y/N): Right. Cassandra and Duplica. Why don't you settle things with a Pokemon Battle? 

Cassandra and Duplica: ALRIGHT THEN! 

They summoned their Pokemon. 

Cassandra: Paras use Stun Spore! 

Her Paras began to attack. 

Duplica: Ditto, use Transform! 

Ditto transformed into Paras, but it had the same Ditto face. 

Misty: Uh ... is it just me or does that Ditto not have the ability to copy faces well? 

Duplica: Its kind of a pain. You see, at my mansion, Ditto and I ran a performance where we'd copy other Pokemon, but Ditto has never been able to get the right face. 

(Y/N): OUCH! How about you Cassandra, might want to explain why your Ditto looks so scared? 

Cassandra: Paras has never really had any battle experience. So- 

(Y/N): Well, you could always just fight enough enemies and then- 

???: AGH!! 

(Y/N): What the? 

You heard the sound of what sounded like a cat stepping on a thorn. 

(Y/N): I know those sounds of immense pain. 

With that... 

It wasn't just Meowth, but Jessie and James as well! 

(Y/N): You three just can't stop when it comes to getting into pain, can you? 

Jessie: Save the jokes. 

(Y/N): Okay, hold still. 

You begin trying to pull the throns out of their bodies, and- 

James: (girly scream) THAT REALLY HURT! 

(Y/N): Sorry. Now for- 

Cassandra: Say, what's taking so long and- 

Meowth upon seeing Cassandra: 

(Y/N): Meowth, you okay?

Meowth: Huh? Yeah. Of course, I am! 

Cassandra: Oh you poor thing! Here, let me help you. 

She patches him up, and well- 

Meowth: HELLO NURSE!!! Why hello there Madam, how may Meowth be of service? 

Cassandra: WOAH! A TALKING MEOWTH!? AMAZING! How can you talk? 

Meowth: Well ... 

He begins having a horrible flashback. 

Meowth: It's a long story. 

Later ... after a long rundown... 

Meowth: Okay, get ready for my Fury Swipes!!!

Meowth began attacking Paras, but did so weakly to get Paras to get hits in. 

Paras trusted it's tiny little leg right into Meowth's chest. 


(Y/N): Okay, this is getting silly. Pikachu! 

Pikachu: PIKA!! 

You brought Pikachu out. 

(Y/N): Use Thunderbolt! But ... don't do it too hard. 

Pikachu: Pikachu? 

(Y/N): Just go with it. 

Pikachu did a tiny little thunderbolt, and it knocked Paras out. 

(Y/N): Man, that's one week Paras. 

On another hand... 


Jessie pointed to a picture of a Dratini, and Ditto transformed into the book from where the picture was from. 

Duplica: That's not the result we want. 

Misty: Definitely not. 


James was holding her back. 

James: Jessie calm down! 


(Y/N): Okay, you ready? 

Duplica: This time Ditto has got it! 

Ditto turned into Paras, with the right face! 

(Y/N): How did it- 

Jessie: Just a little intimidation, and- 

James: Don't you mean a great big amount of initimida-

 Jessie threw James into a tree. 



Both Paras and Ditto charge at each other and knock themselves out. 

(Y/N): NICE!! I guess they've both got equal strength. 

Cassandra: Now Paras should be on the right track to evolving into Parasect! 

Duplica: Hey (Y/N), why don't you come and have some tea with me? 

Cassandra: What? No! Come have tea with me? 

Both of them were tugging on your arms. 

(Y/N): Ladies, one at a time! Cassandra, Duplica, calm down, or- 

You pulled them in and kissed them on the cheeks. 

And they blushed and sighed. 

(Y/N): I'm too good. 

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