Light Yagami!

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We open up with a dark room in a house located in New Tokyo. This is the home of Light Yagami, who is actually the infamous killer, Kira! He is a young man who has intelligence that rivals L, but has grown power hungry due to the usage of the Death Note.

Light: I know that L is onto me. I have to think of how to lower the suspicions and then I will write his name when he least expects it.

Light Yagami (He is a teenager who was bored with his life until he found the Death Note which unleashed his inner sociopath and turned him into a complete monster! He says he's making the world a better place, but he's just killing innocents too!...

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Light Yagami (He is a teenager who was bored with his life until he found the Death Note which unleashed his inner sociopath and turned him into a complete monster! He says he's making the world a better place, but he's just killing innocents too! Has the Death Note which allows him to kill the people when he writes their full names in said notebook!)

Nearby he was getting annoyed by a cute blonde.

???: Light! Light! Yoo-hoo! Light!

She kept poking him on the cheek.

???: Can't you order me some fast food? I'm getting hungry. I want a Big Mac. Come on, Light, I'm starving h-

Light: Misa, you idiotic little- How much longer do I have to put up with you?  I'm busy, just leave me alone, Misa.

Misa: Hmph. Don't you know that as my boyfriend, you need to take me out on the weekends? I know that you're being suspected, but you need to get out there. Now let's-

Light: I never agreed to being called your boyfriend.

Misa: That's how I see it.

Misa Amane (Light's biggest admirer! The murderer of her parents was killed by Kira, and that lead to her finding him! She wants to be of use to Light, and is thus an accomplice to him! Her love for him is unrequited! A few fries short of a milksh...

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Misa Amane (Light's biggest admirer! The murderer of her parents was killed by Kira, and that lead to her finding him! She wants to be of use to Light, and is thus an accomplice to him! Her love for him is unrequited! A few fries short of a milkshake!)

Light: I guess I have to cover some loose ends by then. Listen, how do you feel about me dating other women?

Misa: As long as I get married to you, I don't mind. Everyone has their needs.

Light: Heh, of course an idiot like you would say that.

???: Hey, Light.

A figure appeared behind him.

Ryuk (He is a Shinigami and the one who dropped the Death Note that Light uses! He has decided to keep up with Light's game in order to see an outcome! Claims that humans are very interesting due to his bored lifestyle!)

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Ryuk (He is a Shinigami and the one who dropped the Death Note that Light uses! He has decided to keep up with Light's game in order to see an outcome! Claims that humans are very interesting due to his bored lifestyle!)

Light: What is it Ryuk?

Ryuk: I think I saw someone actually notice me.

Light: WHAT?! How is that even possible? A Shinigami can only be seen by those who use the Death Note. So how can he- Did he look out of the ordinary?

Ryuk: Not really. I mean he just looked like every other human in this city.

Light: Then how was he able to see y-

A knock was on the door.

Misa: Hey, I didn't know you were having friends over, or is it relatives? Or another girl? Wait, if it is another girl, I'll just tell her who has the major authori-

Light: Misa, shut up. I'll do it myself.

Misa: Alright then.

Ryuk: I bet it's that guy.


You waited outside.

(Y/N): Let's hope this works.

The moment Light answered the door, you got yourself ready.

(Y/N): Hello there Mr. Light Yagami. My name is (Y/N), I bet you've heard of me.

Light: Oh, yes. I have. To what do I owe this visit? SHIT! Ryuk, you've really screwed me over. Damn Shinigami.

Light had no idea what he was in for.

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