Fusion Reborn!!

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We open up in the Otherworld.

You've been summoned by the Kai's to participate in the Otherworld Tournament!

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You've been summoned by the Kai's to participate in the Otherworld Tournament!


???: Oh don't be so high strung. Even if your special little Boy Scout there has kept his game through the whole tournament, that's no excuse for you being dead.

East Kai (Ruler of the East side of the Universe! She is very strict with her students, and always expects perfection, unlike how King Kai is with you! Seems to have a thing for racing!)

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East Kai (Ruler of the East side of the Universe! She is very strict with her students, and always expects perfection, unlike how King Kai is with you! Seems to have a thing for racing!)

King Kai: SHUT UP!! It doesn't matter if I'm dead or not!! SO DON'T YOU-

???: Fools! Fools! Pikkon is going to win!

West Kai (Ruler of the West side of the Universe! He is pompous, rude, and a total windbag! Has a deep rivalry with King Kai and loves to mock him for being deceased! Mentor of Pikkon!)

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West Kai (Ruler of the West side of the Universe! He is pompous, rude, and a total windbag! Has a deep rivalry with King Kai and loves to mock him for being deceased! Mentor of Pikkon!)

???: Ha! Yeah, that Pikkon is good! I'll root for him just to spite you North Kai!

South Kai (Ruler of the South side of the Universe! He seems to get a huge kick out of mocking the fact that King Kai is dead, and he especially loves watching King Kai and West Kai argue!)

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South Kai (Ruler of the South side of the Universe! He seems to get a huge kick out of mocking the fact that King Kai is dead, and he especially loves watching King Kai and West Kai argue!)


Yeah, King Kai was not really thrilled to be interacting with his fellow peers.

With you on the front lines...

(Y/N): Pikkon.

???: (Y/N).

Pikkon (West Kai's best pupil! He is pretty much the hero of the West Galaxy! A wise fighter, he will plan out his moves before attacking! He takes everything seriously just as much as Piccolo does!)

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Pikkon (West Kai's best pupil! He is pretty much the hero of the West Galaxy! A wise fighter, he will plan out his moves before attacking! He takes everything seriously just as much as Piccolo does!)

Pikkon: This time, we go all out!

(Y/N): With pleasure!!

Both of you get ready to fight, but well-

Somewhere around Snakeway...

???: Now what's that noise?

King Yemma (He's the boss of the Checking Station! He's the one responsible for deciding who goes to heaven and who goes to hell! Was the one who decided that you would train with King Kai in the past! Seems to be willing to listen to everyone's p...

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King Yemma (He's the boss of the Checking Station! He's the one responsible for deciding who goes to heaven and who goes to hell! Was the one who decided that you would train with King Kai in the past! Seems to be willing to listen to everyone's problems despite how impatient he gets!)

Oni: It must be a tremor. I'll go check it out King Yemma.

Down in hell...

A red oni was seen listening to his music, on full volume rather than checking the soul cleansing machine.

Oni: HEY! Would you turn that music off? You're supposed to be checking on the Soul Cleansing machine!

Red Oni: What? Oh come on! It's boring! Nothing ever happens.

Oni: It's called work for a reason.

Red Oni: But-

Oni: (Sigh) Fine. Just turn the music down.

Red Oni: Hey, thanks Pops. You're cool.

Oni: I know how you feel. I was like that at your age too.

The Red Oni continues to listen to his music, but with lower volume, however-

The machine begins to become too full with souls and soon enough-

Red Oni: WHAT?!

It explodes, allowing so much evil energy to spill out and envelop him!

Red Oni: AGH! What's happening to-

He starts to puff up!

Back in the Checking Station...

King Yemma: Okay! Now this has gone out of control! This needs to be-

The moment King Yemma gets up from his desk, he finds that outside the entire area is encased!

King Yemma: This isn't good! With that portal open that means that all of the souls will wander the land of the living! And that means-

Earth was being overrun with so many undead evil souls...

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