New Resolve!!

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Eliwood' along awaited reunion with his father become their painful farewell. You guys headed back to the city of Badon.

(Y/N): You doing okay Ninian?

Ninian: Yes.

(Y/N): Ans great to see you Nils! Wow! You look much older!

Nils: And it's wonderful to see you (Y/N), as well as you Lyndis

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Nils: And it's wonderful to see you (Y/N), as well as you Lyndis.

Lyn: The pleasure is mine Nils!

Hector: Do you mind explaining?

Nils: Who is he?

(Y/N): He's Eli's friend, Hector. The brother of the Marquess of Ostia! Don't mind his temper, he has a good heart. All we need now is Rath and Wallace, and the whole original gang will be back together!

Nils: And you're Elbert's son.

Eliwood: Where did you and my father meet?

Nils: At the Dragon's Gate. He set us free after we'd been captured. We escaped in a small boat, but I was thrown out in a storm. When I woke up, I was back on Valor. For a time, I hid in the ruins by myself. Then...I sensed something really dangerous. When I raced to the Dragon's Gate, I... I saw everything.

Lyn: Sorry about Ninian. She's lost her memories.

Ninian: Lady Lyn, you did nothing wrong...... When Nils fell overboard, I didn't know what to do. ...I became lost within myself. If only I'd been stronger... ......All of this could have been avoided... I am...truly...sorry.

Nils: Ninian's power is greater than mine, but it costs her physical and emotional strength. ......Nergal exploited that...weakness.

(Y/N): So, Nergal needed you to open Dragon's Gate?

Nils: Yes. Ninian and I have the power to do so. He can summon the dragons on his own. It requires quintessence.

Lyn: What is quintessence?

Nils: The substance of the human spirit... Power. Energy. The essence of life itself. ...Nergal, he stole this quintessence.

Hector: And if quintessence is stolen?

Nils: They die. We only have our special power... Anyway, Nergal needed to gather a large amount of quintessence. So he sent his henchman, Ephidel, to get close to Marquess Laus. He sought to plant the seeds of war in Darin's power-hungry heart. It seems the quintessence in each person varies in strength. A person of strong mind and body has hundreds of times more energy than the average person. It sounds like there aren't many people like that, though. It took too long for Nergal to find people with enough strength. Although it would take time, Nergal said the easiest way to get that much quintessence was by starting a war.

(Y/N): Bastard! He's going to regret this!

Nils: Ephidel brought Elbert to the Dragon's Gate. He said he'd found the ideal source they had sought. Nergal's plans for war had been stopped, and yet...he was happy. He'd taken so much energy from the knights traveling with Elbert. He was sure he'd get even better quintessence from Elbert. No offense Lors Eliwood.

Eliwood: It's alright.

Nils: Your father told us that he had a son. He said you were blessed with natural fighting ability. But he also told us you were compassionate and disdained fighting. He told us that his son would be a better ruler than he was. When we'd lost all hope at the Dragon's Gate, your father always spoke to us of happy things. ...Well, he mainly spoke of his cherished son and his dear wife, but Ninian and I... We loved him very much. He stories about his family... ...They saved us.

Eliwood: Father.

You guys decide to leave Eliwood for some time alone, and-

An arrow is fired.

Several in fact!

Hector: What's that?!

(Y/N): Black Fang!! Get Wil and Rebecca! I'll take out the leader!


You had returned to see several corpses. You even killed the leader, carrying his quiver.

(Y/N): We need to find Hector's brother!

Eliwood: (Y/N), are you okay?

(Y/N): I want this to end. I want Nergal dead. I want to wipe him and all of his fucking minions from existence! I just want to add his screams to my Spotify account, and put his head on a-

Lyn: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Sorry. I'm just on edge okay. After what happened with Matthew's girl, and now Eli's Dad. I- I-

You sit down.

(Y/N): I don't know. I thought things would get better.

Eliwood: It's alright (Y/N). Take a rest. You've been fighting the hardest.

???: Lord Eliwood!

A figure appeared. It was-

Eliwood: Isadora?

Isadora: Lady Eleanora is well. Do not worry. When word of Lord Elbert's death reached her yesterday... She said not a word... She merely gave her full attention to the messenger.

Eliwood: Mother.

Isadora: All your mother can do now is pray for your continued safety. "Obey your father's dying wish." That is her message to you, and I have delivered it.

Eliwood: Right. Our battles are like nothing you've ever prepared for. ...Are you ready to face them, Isadora?

Isadora: Yes. I will serve with my very life.

(Y/N): Good. Now, let's make those fuckers pay.


Nergal: Sonia.

Sonia (One of Nergal's Minions! Voiced by Laura Bailey!)

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Sonia (One of Nergal's Minions! Voiced by Laura Bailey!)

Sonia: You called, Lord Nergal?

Nergal: My wound...needs time. It was a deep cut, and my strength is not what it was. The man who did this to me is dead. I'd like his son's death as compensation. Sonia. You will use Brendan to move the Black Fang. I do not need mere underlings now. I need the Four Fangs.

Sonia: As you wish.

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