Azz's Concerns!

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You had brought back three girls, and 1 demon to your home, and-

Kinue: Hello there! A new friend, and three new girlfriends? How sweet!

Azz: Wait, is this woman-

(Y/N): My mother.

Ameri: (Y/N)-Kun, how is that possible?

Iruma: You mean to say that this little girl is your mother?

(Y/N): Does everyone really get surprised by that?

Clara: That's cute! Say, you want to play house? You can be the crazy and evil step-mom of me who wants me dead.

Kinue: Oh, you're that kind of crazy.


Everyone was having tea, and you noticed that Azz was nowhere to be found, and-

He came out with a black eye and several confetti.

Azz: Humans are the true monsters.

(Y/N): What happened?

Azz: Some pink monstrosity fired this weird paper thing out of a cannon at me. And then some other woman with a horn headband punched me in the eye.

(Y/N): Ah, you just met Pinkie and Star.

Azz: Master Iruma, we must leave.

Iruma: Azz, please don't. I-

Kinue: Such adorable daughters-in-law. Oh, Medaka mentioned you Ameri-Chan.

Ameri: Oh, really? I feel honored to-

(Y/N): She's really shy when it comes to me. Sweet thing.

She hid her face and giggled.

Kinue: And you're Iruma and Clara. So beautiful and cute!

Clara: See? (N/N)'s mother things I'm adorable.

Azz: Master Iruma!

He began to try and get safety precautions.

Kinue: He's so nice.

Azz: THIS PLACE IS DANGEROUS! I saw two figures fighting. One who had pink hair and was idiotic, and the other was not wearing clothes!

(Y/N): He just had to find Natsu and Gray beating each other up. Oh calm down Azz, it's not all that bad. I mean-

Azz: Then a woman in armor nearly murdered them.

(Y/N): She's a beauty.


(Y/N): Clara, Ameri?

Ameri slapped Azz and Clara whacked him with a mallet.

Azz: Thank you.

(Y/N): You poor man. Just don't try to eat anyone here, you'd start a war, and humankind ... they don't give up. They always prevail.

Azz: Yes. Yes. But what about-

(Y/N): They'd be happy here. Right ladies?

Iruma: We can still make a good schedule.

Ameri: I would stay by (Y/N)-Kun's side forever.

Clara: Me too!

(Y/N): See?

Kinue: No harm done!

Azz just takes a deep breath.

Azz: Good. I-

He then sensed two demons nearby.

Azz: Why do I sense those two? The Blood Demon and the Control Demon?

(Y/N): Oh calm down! Power and Makima are not that crazy!

Azz: (gulp)

His worries were far from over.

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